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单词 star
star/stɑ:(r)/ nv [-rr-;-ing/ rɪ ŋ/]

n(1)星,恒星,星球(any of the distant bodies in the sky appearing as points of light at night;any of the fixed bodies in the skysuch as the sun which are very large and distant)[C]:~s twinkling in the heavens 太空中闪耀的群星;a science-fiction film about travelling to distant~s 一部关于到遥远的星球遨游的科幻片;The Sun is a~,and the Earth is one of the its planets. 太阳是恒星,而地球是它的行星之一。

(2) 1)星号(figure or shape usu with five points that look like a star)[C]: the S~s and Stripes 美国的星条旗; 2)(表示级别等的)星(mark of the shape used to indicate a category of excellence or rank)[C]:a four-~hotel/general 四星级饭店/四星将军; 3)星章(piece of metal in the shape worn on certain uniforms to indicate rank)[C]:a gold/silver~pinned to his jacket 别在他夹克上的一颗金/银星奖章;a sheriff's~行政司法官的星章;

(3)(电影,戏剧,运动等的)明星(角,手)(famous or very skilful performer)[C]:a film/television/football/quarterback~电影/电视/足球/四分卫明星;the~s of stage and screen 戏剧及影视明星;be a~in films twenty years ago 20年前是个电影明星;want to be a Hollywood~想成为好莱坞明星;an all-~cast 全明星阵容;get the~role in the new film 在新影片中扮演主角;〖同〗principal,lead,hero,superstar;

(4)星宿,命星(planet or heavenly body believed to determine sb's fate)[C]:born under an unlucky~ (a lucky~ ) 生来命运不好(好);His~is rising. 他有吉兆了。

(5)星象(any of these heavenly bodies considered as able to influence a person's destiny;fortune)[pl]:Many newspapers have a column on the~s. 许多报纸都有星象专栏。It's written in the~s. 这是天命注定的。If the~s are against us,we can achieve nothing. 如果命运作对,我们一事难成。〖同〗fortune,fate;

see stars 眼冒金星:When Tom was hit on the head by the ball,he saw~s.汤姆被球击中了头部,两眼直冒金星。

→′stardom n 明星的地位;′starless adj 无星星的;′starlet n 尚未成名的年轻女演员;′starry adj 星光闪耀的;′star-dust n 梦幻;′star-fish n 海星;′star-gazer n 天文学家;占星家;′starlight n 星光;′starlit adj 星光照耀的;′star-studded adj 明星云集的;

v (1)用星(星状物)标出或装饰;加星号(mark or decorate with a star or stars)[T+n, 通常pass]:the~red questions/dishes 加星号的问题/菜肴;read the catalogue and~the items 看目录并打星号;Smith's name was~red twice.史密斯的名字注了两个星号。

(2)主演,担任主角(play a leading role in a film play etc)[II+prep (in)]:With Olivier~ring,the play is bound to succeed. 由于奥利维尔担任主演,此剧必定成功。She's taken a lot of~ring roles. 她担当了许多主要角色。~in a lot of very good films 在许多好影片中饰演主角;〖同〗feature;

(3)使担任主角,由……主演(have as a main performer;feature sb)[T+nT+prep(in)]:This movie~s Marlon Brando. 这部影片以马龙·白兰度为主角。He~red her when she was fifteen in her first movie. 她15岁拍第一部影片时,他就使她走红了。want to~Tom in one's new film 想让汤姆主演自己的新影片





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