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单词 舞文弄墨

舞文弄墨掉文舞墨wǔ wén nòng mò

engage in phrase-mongering; juggle with words; play on words; play with the pen; show off literary skill (/one’s literary accomplishments); write in a showy style
❍ 太太睁大了眼睛,猜不透素来鄙夷“~”的老爷为什么变了性格; …(《茅盾文集》Ⅷ—126) Madam’s eyes were large,She couldn’t understand how it was that the Master,who had always despised “scribblers,”should have such a change of character.
❍ 而写碑的人偏要~,所以反而越舞越胡涂,……(鲁迅《华盖集续编》155) But the men who write epitaphs will insist on showing off their literary accomplishments,and the finer the writing the more confused it becomes.

舞文弄墨wu wen nong mo

❶pervert the law by playing with legal phraseology
❷engage in phrasemongering

舞文弄墨wu wen nong mo

pervert the law by playing with legal phraseology; engage in phrasemongering


❶engage in phrase-mongering
❷pervert the law by playing with legal phraseology
~,画蛇添足too much embellishment and superfluity/~的诉讼legal trickster adept at perverting the law wù

舞文弄墨wǔ wén nònɡ mò

舞:玩弄。形容故意玩弄文字技巧。engage in phrase-mongering, play with the pen, show off literary skill





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更新时间:2025/3/7 11:05:23