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单词 standard
standard/′stændǝd, AmE ′-dərd/ n & adj

n (1)标(水,基)准(sth considered by an authority or by general consent as a rule for measuring weightslengthsvaluequalitypurityetc)[C]:a high~of precision/living 高精密度/高生活水准;the~of height/weight 身高/重量标准;by today's~s 根据现在的标准;meet the Federal~ 符合联邦标准;the monetary~(金银币的)法定成份;the official~for the purity of silver银的纯度的官方标准;〖同〗basis,pattern,guide,principle,specification;

(2)被认可的水平(准),规范(acceptable or expected level of quality)[C,常pl]:have a high academic~具有很高的学术水平;high moral~s 道德规范;a low~of hygiene/behaviour 低的卫生/行为水准;confer to the~s of society 符合社会的规范;set high~s for one's pupils 高标准要求学生;

(3)一般要求(水准);某种水平(准)(averagenormal or specified requirementqualityleveletc)[C]:the~of one's work 自己工作的质量;His work this week does not reach his usual~. 这周他的工作没有达到他通常的水准。The food is below~.这食品未达标准。

(4) 1)旗,旗帜(标)(ceremonial flag or banner used as symbol of a nationmilitary unitcorporationetc)[C]:the royal~王室的旗帜; 2)旗标,标杆(pole with carved figureimageetc at the top carried (formally) by an army)[C]:the Roman~古罗马军队的旗标;raise the~of revolt 揭竿而起;Two men carried the~in the royal parade. 在盛大的游行队伍中,两个男人打着旗标。〖同〗flag,banner;

(5)支柱(杆,架),台(upright support or supporting part)[C]:candles lit in the~s 烛台上点燃的蜡烛;The floor lamp has a long~. 这盏地灯有一根长支杆。need six~s to make it secure 需要六个支柱才能稳固;a lamp~灯架;a~lamp落地灯;〖同〗pillar,support,upright,column,post;

be up to/below standard 达到/未达到标准:work that is up to/below~达到/未达到标准的工作;

→′standardize,-ise n 使标准化;͵stan-dardi′zation,-′sation n 标准化;′standard-bearer n 旗手;领导人;

adj (1)(符合)标准的,规范的(serving as a model or as a basis for judgement or comparison)(尤作attrib):~time 标准时间;the~length 标准长度;a~unit of volume/weight 容量/重量的标准单位;~pound/weights and measurers 标准磅/度量衡;

(2)普通的,通常的(usualcommon or normal):a (the)~size of envelops 普通信封; a (the )~rate of income tax 一般所得税率;~practice/procedure 通常做法/程序;a~model of a car 普通型汽车;〖同〗normal,usual,basic,universal,common,ordinary;〖反〗abnormal,exceptional,irregular,unusual;

(3)公认为优秀的,有权威性的(generally accepted as reliable or excellent):a~author 权威作家;the~opera 作为保留剧目的歌剧;a~book on a subject 关于某个学科的权威之作;

(4)(指发音、拼法、语法)被认为是标准式的((of pronunciationspellinggrammaretc)widely used and considered acceptable by educated speakers):~English/spelling/pronunciation 标准英语/拼写/发音





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