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单词 舍生忘死

舍生忘死舍死忘生;忘生舍死shě shēng wàng sǐ

at the risk of sb’s own life; disregard one’s own safety; fearless of death; risk one’s life (for some worthy cause)
❍ 就是人家~地来搭救,俺父女俩从死逃了生。(冯志《敌后武工队》440) They saved us from death at the risk of their own lives. They snatched us from the jaws of death.
❍ 方今天下分崩,英雄并起,各霸一方,四海才德之士,舍死忘生而事其上者,皆欲攀龙附凤,建立功名也。(《三国演义》629) Today the empire is riven and many of the bolder spirits have seized upon,and claimed the rule of,various portions. The talented of the empire and the virtuous among officers,who have risked death and lost their lives in serving those above them all desire to have the oppotunity of serving an Emperor and doing service for a Throne.
❍ 枉了你忘生舍死立唐朝!(关汉卿戏剧集·邓夫人苦痛哭存者》348) In vain you risked death to restore the house of Tang,…


risk one’s life; disregard one’s own safety

舍生忘死shě shēnɡ wànɡ sǐ

形容不把个人的生死放在心上。risk one’s life, fearless of death, disregard one’s own safety





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