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单词 舍己救人

舍己救人shě jǐ jiù rén

risk one’s life for another(/others); sacrifice oneself in rescuing others;sacrifice one’s life to save sb else
❍ 这戏虽跟往常的不一样,可也还是写一个出色的女子,她的~的性格感动了我,使我不能不写。(田汉《关汉卿》38) Now,although this one I am writing is somewhat different from my previous plays,it’s none the less about a woman—a most unusual woman,one who is willing to sacrifice herself to save another,whose sterling qualities have moved me so deeply that I felt an inner urge to present her in a drama.

舍己救人shě jǐ jiù rén

舍:放弃;不惜牺牲自己的生命去拯救别人。give up one’s own views and follow others, sacrifice oneself to save sb. else





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