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❶ (舍弃; 扔掉) give up; abandon: ~ 下妻子儿女 abandon one's wife and children; 依依不 ~ be reluctant to part; cannot bear to part; ~ 此别无他法。There is no other way than this.; This is the only way.
❷ (施舍) give alms; dispense charity
❸ [书] (离开) leave; depart from; deviate from
❹ [书] (除却) except Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 敬 She Jing
另见 see also shě; shè。
◆舍本逐末 attend to trifles to the neglect of essentials; attend to the superficials and neglect the essentials; attend to the trivialities and neglect the fundamentals; barter the trunk for the branches; grasp the shadow instead of the essence; lose the substance for the shadow; run after the less important things, forgetting the important; 舍不得 hate to part with or use; grudge; be loath to part with or leave; 舍得 be willing to part with; not begrudge; 舍得一身剐, 敢把皇帝拉下马 One who fears not being cut to pieces dares to unhorse the emperor.; He who is not afraid of death by a thousand cuts dares to unhorse the emperor.; 舍己救人 risk one's life for another [others]; not to spare oneself to save others; risk one's own life to save others; sacrifice oneself in rescuing others; sacrifice one's life to save others; save others' lives at the risk of one's own; 舍己为人 sacrifice oneself to protect others; rise above self; risk one's life for another; sacrifice oneself for [on behalf of] others; sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of others; self-sacrifice; sink one's own interests; 舍近就[求]远 go after the far-away at the expense of the near-at-hand — foolish; divert attention from the immediate issues by talking about remote things; go for the abstruse and forget the obvious; ignore sth. right under one's eye's, yet try to seek what is far away; reject what is near at hand and seek for what is far away; seek far and wide for what lies close at hand — love to have preeminence; 舍车保帅 give up a rook to save the king (in chess) — make minor sacrifices to safeguard major interests; 舍命 risk one's life; sacrifice oneself; 舍弃 give up; abandon; 舍去 rejection; {数} rounding; truncation; 舍入 {数} roundoff; rounding off; round off; half-adjust; 舍身 give one's life; sacrifice oneself; 舍生取义 lay down [give up] one's life for justice; die for a cause; give up one's life for righteousness; prefer honour to life; sacrifice one's life for the sake of righteousness; 舍生忘死 disregard one's own safety; risk one's life; 舍死忘生 risk one's life (for some worthy cause); do sth. at the risk of one's life; risk death and give up one's life for; 舍位 {数} truncation; 舍我其谁 If I can't do it, who can?; Who but myself can do it?; 舍项 {数} truncation


❶ (房屋) house; hut: 客 ~ guest house; hotel; 茅 ~ thatched hut; 田 ~ farmhouse; 校 ~ school buildings
❷ (谦辞, 对人称自己的家) my humble abode; my house: 寒 ~ my humble home
❸ (养家畜的圈) pen; sty; shed: 牛~ cowshed; 猪 ~ pigsty
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 义 She Yi Ⅱ (谦辞, 用于对别人称比自己辈分低或年纪小的亲属) my: ~ 弟 my younger brother; ~ 侄 my nephew Ⅲ (古代长度单位, 等于三十里) an ancient unit of distance equal to 30 li: 退避三 ~ retreat ninety li — give way to sb. to avoid a conflict
另见 see also shě。
◆舍间 [谦] my humble abode; my house; 舍利 {佛教} Buddhist relics; 舍亲 [谦] my relative; 舍下 [谦] my humble abode; my house





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