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单词 至死不变

至死不变zhì sǐ bù biàn

stick to one’s course until the end of one’s days ; will not change even unto death; refuse to change to the very end
❍ 国无道,~,强哉矫。(《礼记·中庸》) When bad principles prevail in the country,he maintains his course to death without changing. How firm is he in his energy!/一句话,对于一切~的反动派,情况都是一样的,他们将决定地要灭亡。(《毛泽东选集》 1337) In a word,for all those reactionaries who will not change even unto death;they are irrevocably doomed.
❍ ~、愿意带着花岗岩头脑去见上帝的人,肯定有的,那也无关大局。(《毛泽东著作选读》甲—381) Undoubtedly there are people who will never change,who would prefer to keep their thinking ossified down to the Day of Judgement,but that does not matter very much.

至死不变zhì sǐ bù biàn

到死都不会改变。never change till death, will not change even unto death, constant till death





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