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❶ (气味难闻) smelly;foul;stinking: ~ 鸡蛋 a rotten egg;~ 味 stink;offensive odour;foul smell;bad smell
❷ (惹人厌恶的) disgusting;disgraceful: 摆 ~ 架子 put on nauseating airs;~ 钱 filthy lucre;
他在那里弄得很 ~。 He has earned a bad name for himself there.
❸ [方] (感情由亲近变疏远) suffering decay;unwelcome: 他们本是好友,近来忽然 ~ 了。 The two good friends have recently cooled off. Ⅱ (狠狠地) severely;mercilessly: ~ 揍一顿 give a severe beating Ⅲ (臭味) bad smell;stink;notoriety: 铜 ~ the stink of money;profits-before-everything mentality;
遗 ~ 万年 leave a stink for ten thousand years;leave a name that stinks through the ages Ⅳ ❶ (发臭;变臭) stink;smell;emit a bad odour: 那条鱼 ~ 了。 That fish stinks. 他走到哪儿 ~ 到哪儿。 He smells everywhere he goes.
❷ [方] (使名声不好) discredit: 她用难听的流言蜚语 ~ 他。 She discredited him with ugly gossip.
另见 see also xiù。
◆臭虫 Cimex bedbug; bug; cimicid;clinocoris;
臭椿 {植} Ailanthus altissima;tree of heaven;cedrala;
臭弹 a blind shell;
臭豆腐 strong-smelling preserved bean curd;fermented bean curd (with smell);
臭架子 high and mighty airs;the ugly mantle of pretentiousness;put on frills;
臭骂 curse roundly;scold angrily and abusively;
臭名 notorious [foul] reputation;ill fame;infamy;notoriety;
臭名远扬 One's reputation was a by-word.;create a scandal far and wide;notorious;infamous;scandalous;flagrant;
臭名昭著 notorious [foul] reputation;of ill [bad] repute;notorious;arrant;infamous;
臭气 bad [offensive] smell;dysodia;mephits;off-flavour;stench;stink;stinkdamp;
臭味 odour;foul smell;stink;goo;
臭味相投 like drawn to like;friends attracted to each other by common tastes;People of the same ilk like each other.;share the same rotten tastes;
臭氧 {化} ozone;
臭氧保护层 ozonosphere protection; 臭油 [方] tar;
臭鼬 skunk;mephitine


Ⅰ (气味) odour; smell: 纯空气是无色无 ~ 的。 Pure air is colourless and odourless. Ⅱ (闻) smell; scent; sniff
另见 see also chòu。
◆臭腺 {动} scent gland



malodor; fetid





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