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单词 自高自大

自高自大zì gāo zì dà

arrogant; big-headed;bouncy; cocky; conceited; egotistic; overweening;self-important; vainglorious; get above oneself; get too big for one’s boots; go about with one’s head(/nose) in the air; as vain as a peacock; think no small beer of oneself
❍ 吴忠早已有点鄙弃那民兵的“~”,及至他竟然“命令”起他的首长,他简直忍耐不住那般神气,……(柳青《铜墙铁壁》10) Wu Zhong had taken a dislike to the high and mighty air of the militiaman. When the latter peremptorily issued an “order”to his chief,he was annoyed beyond endurance.
❍ 我们决不可有傲慢的大国主义的态度,决不应当由于革命的胜利和在建设上有一些成绩而~。(毛泽东《中国共产党第八次全国代表大会开幕词》) We must never adopt an arrogant attitude of great-power chauvinism and become conceited because of the victory of our revolution and certain achievements in our construction.
❍ 我们党员群众不会拥护那种~、个人英雄主义、风头主义、有个人野心和虚荣心的人,来作我们的领袖。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》49) The rank and file of our Party will no make leaders of people who are prone to conceit,individualistic heroism,ostentatiousness,personal ambition and vanity.


self-important; conceited; arrogant;haughty and conceited;full of vain glory

自高自大zì ɡāo zì dà

自以为了不起。conceited, think no end of oneself, self-important, get too big for one’s boots, above oneself, stuck up, on one’s high horse





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:15:49