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单词 自食其果

自食其果zì shí qí guǒ

eat one’s own bitter fruit—reap what one has sown; as you brew,so must you drink; be made to pay for one’s evil doings; face theconsequences of one’s own action; self do,self have;suffer for one’s misdeeds
❍ 现在到~的时候了. ……(杜鹏程《保卫延安》428) Now we’re going to make him pay for it.…/敌人既敢犯罪,就该~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》563) The enemy shall pay for their crimes.


eat one’s own bitter fruit;reap what one has sown;face the consequences of one’s own action;pay for one’s own evil doings;sow the wind and reap the whirlwind

自食其果zì shí qí ɡuǒ

自己吃自己种下的果子。比喻自己干了坏事,害了自己,自作自受。reap what one has sown, stew in one’s own juice, bite off one’s own head, A new broom sweeps clean. take the consequence of





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