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单词 自顾不暇

自顾不暇zì gù bù xiá

be busy enough with one’s own affairs; be unable even to fend for oneself (much less look after others); have enough to do to look after (/take care of)oneself
❍ 你不要过分抬举我,抬的高,跌的重。我确实没有那个能力,利华这爿小店~,哪有余力投资福佑呢?(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—482) You mustn’t try to elevate me too high—the higher one goes the harder one falls,you know. I really do assure you that it would not be within my power. The Li Hua is only a small firm but it’s already as much as we can manage,we just haven′t the extra resources available for investment in the Fu You.


be unable even to take care of oneself;be busy enough with one’s own affairs

自顾不暇zì ɡù bù xiá

暇:空闲。照顾自己都来不及。比喻无法帮助别人。be busy enough with one’s own affairs, unable even to fend for oneself, have not even any leisure for oneself





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