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单词 stage
stage/steɪdʒ/ n [-s/ ɪz/];vt [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)舞台(platformesp for performing or acting oneg in a theatre)[C;U (on/off~)]:need a large~需要一个大舞台;set a~for an indoor scene 把舞台布置成室内景;the finest tragedian on the English~英格兰舞台上最好的悲剧演员;The actor almost fell off the~. 那演员险些从舞台上摔下去。be on (the)~for most of the play 全剧大多数时候都出场;All the world is a~;men and women are merely players. 整个世界是个舞台,男人和女人们不过是演员而已。up/down~(演出时)在(向)舞台后/前部;~left/right 舞台左/右侧;

(2)戏剧(舞台)生涯,戏剧业(life and work in a theatre;theatrical profession)[Uthe~]:choose the~as a career 选择戏剧表演为业;adapt a novel for the~把小说改编为戏剧;put sb on the~让某人跻身舞台学艺;The~was his whole life. 戏剧表演是他生命的全部。~fright/whisper/direction/door 怯场/低声旁白/舞台指导语/剧场后门;

(3)事件发生的场所(现场)(scene or setting of an event or series of)[Csing](fig):It was the~of a famous battle.这是一著名战役的战场。the European political~欧洲政治舞台;Europe was the primary~for the Second World War. 欧洲是二战的主要战场。The~was set for a summit conference. 最高级会谈的地点已经确定。〖同〗spot,position,site;

(4)阶段,时期(period or step in a course of the developmentgrowth or progress)[C]:be in the early~s/at an early~处于初期;be in the final/next~of development 在发展的最终/下一阶段;the~s of development of the frog 青蛙成长的各个阶段;a three-~development programme 三个阶段的发展规划;at the~of the negotiation 在谈判期间;reach the talking~到达会说话的阶段;

(5)一段路(旅)程;(公共汽车的)一站的路程(part of a journey;(BrE) section of a bus route)[C]:the first~of the trip/the Tour de France 旅行/环法自行车赛的第一站;travel by easy~s 分期轻松旅行;It cost ten pence to travel three~s. 坐三站车要花10便士。

(6)公共马车,驿车(public horse-drawn vehicle carrying passengers (and often mail) along a regular route)[CU(by~)](=stage coach):take the next~乘下一趟驿车;

(7)火箭的级(节)(one of the separable sections of a rocket)[C]:a three-~rocket 三级火箭;

be/go on the stage 当演员:She's always wanted to go on the~. 她总想当演员。

set the stage for sth 为……作准备:Scientists' work on engines set the~for the development of spaceships. 科学家们致力于发动机的研究,为宇宙飞船的发展作准备。

→′stage-coach n 驿站马车;′stage-hand n 舞台工作人员;͵stage-′manage v 担任舞台监督;͵stage-′manager n 舞台监督;′stage-struck adj 渴望当演员的;

vt(1)演出,上演(arrange for (a play) to be performed)[T+n]:~a play/charity 上演一出戏/进行慈善演出;be~ing Macbeth in the gardens 正在公园里上演《麦克白斯》;This play was~d in 1928. 这出戏第一次上演是在1928年。The actors were good but the~ing was bad. 演员们不错,但演出却很糟糕。〖同〗produce,present,act,perform,play;

(2)举(进)行(arrange and carry out)[T+n]:~an art show/a football match 进行艺术展/足球赛;~a one-day strike/a referendum/a protest march/a come-back as a filmstar 举行一日罢工/进行全民投票(公决)/进行抗议游行/作为电影明星东山再起





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