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单词 自知之明

自知之明zì zhī zhī míng

have sense enough to know oneself; know one’s limitations; self-knowl edge; the wisdom to make a proper appraisal of oneself; the wisdom to know oneself
❍ 其实,中国人是并非“没有~”的,缺点只在有些人安于“自欺”,由此并想“欺人”。(鲁迅《且介亭杂文末编·“立此存照”(三)》137) Actually,the Chinese do have sense enough to know themselves. The trouble is that some people are content to practise self-deceit and try to deceive others too.
❍ 人贵有~。(毛泽东) It is valuable to know oneself./“土崩瓦解”这四个字,真是形容得有~。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—118) Our phrase “crumbling like clods or broken tiles”shows the high degree of self knowledge we possess.
❍ 知人者智,自知者明。(《老子》三十三章) He who knows others is wise; |He who knows himself is enlightened.


self-knowledge;wisdom of knowing one’s own limitations
人贵有~。It is important to know one’s own limitations. or:Self-knowledge is wisdom.or:A man’s virtue lies in taking a proper measure of himself./无~lack of self-knowledge

自知之明zì zhī zhī mínɡ

自己能够正确地认识自己。self-knowledge, knowledge of oneself, the wisdom to know oneself





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