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单词 自生自灭

自生自灭zì shēng zì miè

emerge of itself and perish of itself; leave everything to itself; leave sth to its fate; perish on one’s own; run its course
❍ 就是说,不是说出办法来就算了,不管大家懂不懂,接受得了接受不了,让大家~;……(周恩来《学习毛泽东》) That is to say,we must not be satisfied just with working out methods and leaving everything to the people themselves,regardless of whether they understand the truth or not or whether they have accepted it or not.
❍ 有些人觉得旧文艺没有什么前途,以为它总是要消灭的,因此就发生不重视它,让它~的心理。(《周恩来选集》上—354) Some people feel that the old literature and art have no future and will die out anyway,and so they just ignore them,leaving them to their fate.
❍ 这两三年来,无名作家何尝没有胜于较有名的作者的作品,只是谁也不去理会他,一任他~。(鲁迅《华盖集·并非闲话(三)》120) During recent years,the work of some unknown writers has been better than that of well known authors,yet no one has paid any attention to them—they have been left to perish on their own.


emerge and perish of itself;take(or ruin)its course

自生自灭zì shēnɡ zì miè

自然地生长,又自然地消灭。形容不加过问,任其发展。run it’s course, on thing emerge of itself and perish of itself, abandon sb. to his fate





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