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单词 square
square/skweǝ(r)/ nadj & adv [-r/rə/,-st /rɪst/];vt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)正(四)方形(figure with four equal sides in length and four right angles)[C]:draw a~画一个正方形;The cookies were in the form of~s. 饼干是正方形的。
 (2)方格(块),方形物(any figure or object having this shape)[C]:a head~方头巾;a~of cloth 一块方形布;the~s on a chess board 棋盘上的方格;The troops were drawn up in~s. 军队排列成方阵。cut the paper onto~s 把纸裁成正方形;
 (3)广场;广场周围的建筑物和街道(open area at the meeting of streets in a town or citywith buildings round it;buildings surrounding this)[C](缩写Sq):a market~集市广场;The monument is in the~opposite the city hall. 纪念碑在广场上市府大厅对面。meet in the~at 8 o'clock 8点钟在广场见面;a house in George S~乔治广场的一座房子;live at No.100 Berkelay S~住在柏克雷广场街100号;〖同〗place;block,park;
 (4)平方(resulting number when a number is multiplied by itself)[C]:9 is a perfect~. 9是完全平方。The~of three is nine. 3的平方是9。
 (5)直角曲尺,丁字尺(L-shaped or T-shaped instrument or toolused for drawing or testing right angles)[C];
 (6)古板守旧的人(person who is not modern in ideasstyle of dressetc)[C](旧用法)(infml):real~s 真正的老古板;Don't be such a~. 别那么老古板。〖同〗conservative;
 back to square one ……由于没有进展而退回到原出发点:That plan hasn't worked,so they are back to~one with it. 那个计划未成事实,因而他们又重新开始。
 on the square (infml)公道地,诚实地(infml):At all stages the negotiations have been conducted on the~. 谈判在所有阶段都是公平进行的。
 →′square-bashing n (sl)军事训练;
 adj (1)正(四)方形的,方的(having the shape of a square)[无comp]:a~box/room/tower 方盒/屋/塔;a~piece of paper 一张方纸;square brackets/dances 方括号/四方对舞;
 (2)成直角的,方的(forming a (nearly) right angle):~corners 方角;a~chin/jaw/face 方下巴/下颌/脸;a tall~-shouldered man 高个方肩的男人;a woman of~frame/build 膀阔腰圆的女人;
 (3)平方的(measuring a specified length of a square with sides of the stated length)[无comp][作attrib]:8~metres 8平方米;cover an area of 1000~miles 覆盖1000平方英里的地区;~measure/root(衡量面积的)平方单位制/平方根;
 (4)安排妥当的,整洁的(appropriately arranged;tidy)[作pred]:get everything~before leaving 离开前把一切安排妥当;
 (5)平整的,水平的,平行的(levelor evenas a surface or surfaces;parallel)[作pred][A(with)]:arrange the table~with the wall 把桌子平行排列;
 (6)结清的,两讫的(paid so that nothing more is owing):get one's accounts~ 把账结清;Their account was all~.他们的账已清了。When he pays me back we'll be~. 他把钱付给我,我们就两清了。
 (7)直截了当的,干脆的(frank;open;straightforward):He (was) met with a~refusal. 他遭到了断然拒绝。
 (8)公平的;诚实的(fair;just;honest):a~deal/answer 公平的协议/诚实的回答;~dealings 公平交易;be~with one's customers 对顾客诚实;Company policy on trade-ins is fair and~. 公司的折价贴换政策是诚实可信的。〖同〗honest,just,truthful,straightforward;
 (9)古板守旧的,不谙时尚的(old-fashioned; conventional)(infml)(旧用法):be a bit~in what one likes 喜好上有点古板;~ideas about clothes 对服装样式的旧观念;
 (10)(板球)与击球手成直角位置的((in cricket) in a position approximately at right angles to the hitter);
 be (all) square (with sb)打成平局:Their scores are all~.他们的比分相等。
 a square meal 一顿丰盛的饭:Her children never seem to get a~meal. 她的孩子们看起来从来没吃过一顿像样的饭。
 a square peg (in a round hole)不胜任(适合)……的人:Poor little snipe—a~peg in a round hole,wherever he might be.可怜的家伙——无论到哪里都适应不了。
 →͵square-′shouldered adj 方肩的;͵square-′toed adj(皮鞋)方头的;′squarely adv 成直角;处于正中央;公平正(地);正对着;
 adv (1)径直地,照直地(directlysquarely):look sb~in the eye 直盯着某人的眼睛看;hit sb~on the jaw 照准某人的下颌打;The path turned~to the right.小路向右直拐过去。run~into sb与某人撞个正着;
 (2)公正地,正直地(fairly;honestly):play~with sb 公平待某人;
 vt (1)使成方形(give a square shape to or make square)[T+n]:~timber/a board 把木材/一块板锯成方形;
 (2)使直(平)(make straightlevelor even)[T+n]:~one's shoulders 端起肩膀;~the cloth on the table 把桌布铺平;~a crooked picture 把卷起的画铺平;~up a wall 把一面墙抹平;〖同〗flatten,plane,smooth;
 (3)求平方(multiply (a number or quantity) by itself)[T+n,通常pass]:Two~d is four. 2的平方是4 (22=4) 。
 (4)把……划分为方形,画方形于(mark sth with squares)[T+n,通常pass]:~the material in four parts 把这块料子分成四块;
 (5)贿赂,收买(settle by dishonest means as by giving a bribe to)[T+nC+n+to-inf]:You'll have to~the clerk if you want a licence quickly. 如果你想早点得到许可证,就要贿赂那个办事员。He has been~ed to hold his tongue.他已经被钱封住了嘴巴。
 (6)(使)符合(一致)((cause to) fit or agree with)[I+prep (with),T+n+prep (with)](infml):His story/statement doesn't~with the facts. 他的谎话/声明与事实不符。~one's practice with one's principles 言行一致;〖同〗harmonise,fit,match,correspond;〖反〗disagree,contrast;
 (7)结清(账目)(pay or pay for;settle)[T+nT+n+prep (with)](infml):~a debt/an account 还清债务/结清账目;~one's account with sb与某人结账;〖同〗even,balance,pay off,settle up;
 (8)使(比分)相等,使(比赛)打成平局(make (scores in a matchetc) square)[T+n]:That touchdown~d the score. 那个触地球使比分拉平。This victory~ed the series at one each.这一胜利使这组比赛拉成一平。〖同〗even,make even;
 square off (v adv) 1)使成四方形(vt):He~d off the log to make a timber for his house. 他把木头加工成方料用于建房。2)把……划分成方格(vt):The children~d off the sidewalk to play hopscotch. 孩子们在人行道上画了方格玩“跳房子”游戏。
 square up to (v adv prep) 1)准备好跟……厮打(vt)(infml):It was brave of you to~up to that big man who threatened to attack us. 你真勇敢,准备去和那个威胁要攻击我们的大块头家伙搏斗。2)勇敢地面对,正视(困难)(vt)(infml):You'll have to~up to your problem. 你必须正视自己的困难。





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