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单词 ill
释义 ill /il; il/ adj 1 (usu pred) in. bad health; sick: (通常作叙述用法)健康不佳的; 生病的: She was ill with anxiety. 她因忧虑而病了。 fall/be taken HL become ill, 生病。 worse, worst. 2 (attrib) bad: (形容用法)恶劣的; 坏的: Hl health; 不健康; i” an ill temper/humour; 心情不好; ill repute; 声名狼藉; do sb an ill turn; 危害某人; have ill luck; 遭恶运; a bird of ill omen. 凶兆之鸟; 带来恶运的人。 /t's an ill wind that blows 'nobody any good, (prov) An affair must be very bad indeed if it does not benefit somebody. (谚)任何人都得不到好处的事,可真是一件坏事(意谓:世上没有对人人皆不利的事)。 /// weeds grow apace, (prov) Harmful things grow or spread rapidly. (A) 莠草易滋; 有害之事蔓延迅速。 ,ill-'breeding n bad manners. 无教养; 粗鲁无礼。 .M-'favoured adj (of a person) unpleasant to look at; ugly. (指人)难看的; 丑的。 Jll-'mannered adj having bad manners; rude. 无礼貌的; 粗野的。 Jll-'natured adj bad-tempered. 脾气坏反 Jll-'omened adj destined to misfortune. 不吉薛的; 恶兆的。 ,ill-'starred adj born under an evil star; unlucky. 星宿不利的; 命运庾的。 iill-'treatment/-Esage n [U] cruelty; harsh treatment. 虐待。 ,ill 'will n enmity; unkind feeling. 敌意; 恶意。 n 1 [U] evil; injury: 罪恶; 伤害: do ill. 作恶; 为害。 2 [C] misfortune; trouble: 不幸; 灾难: the various ills of life. 人生的种种不幸。 adv badly; imperfectly; unfavourably: 寰尘蓟; 不完美地; 不利地: They were ill (— insufficiently) provided with ammunition. 他们的军火供应不足。 We could ill (= not well, not easily) afford the time and money. 我们无力负担所需南时间与金钱。 It ill becomes you to criticize him, It is not right or proper for you to do so. 你不宜批评他。 be/feel ill at ease, uncomfortable, embarrassed. 觉得不自在; 觉得困窘。 speak ill of sb, in an unkind or unfavourable way. 说某人的坏话。 jll-ad'vised unwise; imprudent. 禾铮的; 卤莽 lill-af'fected (towards) adj not well-disposed; not feeling favour. 不极好盘的; 没有好感的。 Jll-,bred adj badly brought up; rude. 马教养的; M 野的。 iHl-disposed (towards) adj a wishing to do harm (to). 怀暧意的。 b unfavourable (towards a plan, etc). 不赞成(计划序)的。 ,ill-'fated adj destined to misfortune; bringing misfortune. 苦命的; 不吉的; 招致不幸的。 jll-gotten 'gains n pl money gained by evil or unlawful methods. 以卑鄙或不法手段得到的钱财; 不义之财。 .ill-'judged adj done at an unsuitable time; showing poor judgement: 不合时宜的; 缺乏判断力的; 判断失当的: an ill-judged attempt. 不合时宜之举。 .ill-'timed oJ/ badly timed; done at a wrong or unsuitable time. 不合时宜的; 失时机的。 ,ilPtreat/-,use vt treat badly .or cruelly. 虐待。




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