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单词 自以为得计

自以为得计zì yǐ wéi dé jì

be pleased with one’s own ruses (/scheming); fancy (/think) oneself clever (/resourceful); preen oneself on one’s cun ning; think oneself a smart fellow
❍ 一切狡猾的人,不照科学态度办事的人,~,自以为很聪明,其实都是最蠢的,都是没有好结果的。(《毛泽东选集》780)All sly people,all those who do not have a scientific attitude in their work,fancy themselves resourceful and clever,but in fact they are most stupid and will come to no good.
❍ 我说这话还在四年之前,当时曾有人评我为“封建余孽”,其实是捧住了这样的题材,欣欣然~者,倒是十分“封建”的。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—163) I pointed this out four years ago when someone labelled me “spawn of feudalism,” for the fact is it is thoroughly “feudal”to seize hold of such material and then preen yourself on your cunning.

自以为得计zi yi wei de ji

be pleased with one’s own scheming





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