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(自己) self; oneself; one's own: 独 ~ by oneself; all alone; 不能 ~ 持 can not control one's own passion; 不 ~ 量 not take a proper measure of oneself; overrate one's own abilities; ~ 作孽 have only oneself to blame Ⅱ (自然; 当然) certainly; of course; naturally; willingly: ~ 应资助 will certainly aid financially; ~ 当悔改 will willingly mend one's ways; ~ 当努力 will certainly do one's best; 两人久别重逢, ~ 有许多话说。 Having reunited after a long departure, the two certainly have a lot to talk about. 他来问我, 我 ~ 有话回答。 If he comes to ask me, I know how to reply to him properly. Ⅲ (从; 由) from; since: ~ 幼 since childhood; 来 ~ 大西洋彼岸 coming from the other side of the Atlantic; 有朋 ~ 远方来 have a friend coming from afar; ~ 即日起生效 become effective (as) from this date; with effect from (w.e.f.); ~ 数十元至几千元不等 ranging from tens to thousands of yuan; ~ 结婚后, 她未曾回过家。 She hasn't [hadn't] been home since her marriage. ~ 那时起, 他似乎有了改变。 From that hour a change seemed to come over him.
◆自爱 regard for oneself; self-respect; self-love; cherish one's good name; take good care of one's health; 自傲 arrogant; self-conceited; 自拔 free oneself (from pain or evildoing); extricate oneself; 自白 make clear one's meaning or position; vindicate oneself;
自伴{物} self-adjoint; 自保 self-hold; self-perpetuating; self- insurance; 自报公议 assessment made on the basis of one's own report and public discussion; make the self-assessment and be put to the public for discussion; self-assessment and public discussion; 自暴自弃 be backward and have no urge to make progress; abandon oneself (to despair); acting violently and throwing oneself away; give oneself up as hopeless; lose self-confidence [selfrespect]; 自卑 feel oneself inferior; be self-abased; 自备 provide for oneself; 自便 at one's convenience; as one pleases; suit oneself; 自不待言 It goes without saying that ...; It is self-evident that ...; needless to say, ...; speak by itself; That is taken for granted.; 自不量力 do sth. beyond one's ability; be unware of one's own limitation; go beyond one's depth; lack of self-knowledge; overestimate one's own strength or ability; put a quart into a pint pot; 自裁 [书] commit suicide; take one's own life; 自惭形秽 feel ashamed of one's ungainly appearance; ashamed of one's own unseemliness [unworthiness]; be ashamed of one's poverty-stricken state; feel put to shame (by sb.); feel unworthy (of others' com ̄ pany); have a sense of inferiority [inadequacy]; humble oneself; 自差 {电子} autodyne; autoheterodyne; endodyne; self-heterodyne; 自称 call oneself; declare oneself to be; claim to be; profess; 自成一家 strike out a new line for oneself; be unique in one's style; develop a manner [style] of one's own; establish one's own school of thought; strike sth. new; 自乘 {数} involu ̄ tion; involve; raise to a power; squaring; 自持 control oneself; restrain oneself; exercise self-restraint; 自筹资金 funds raised by oneself; self-raised funds; self- collected funds; self-pooled funds; 自出机杼 strike out a new path for oneself; be composed [constructed] in a new way; be original in conception; originate an idea [method; fashion]; 自出心裁 have an unconven ̄ tional idea; create an original style; make a departure from established practice; out of one's own head; out of special insight; patent; strive to be unique; 自吹自夸[擂] praise one's own wares; All his geese are swans.; blow one's own trumpet [horn]; brag about; brag and boast; make a lot of publicity for oneself; ring one's own bell; 自从 since; 自忖 [书] turn over in one's mind; speculate; ponder; 自大 self-important; arrogant; conceited; 自得 contented; self-satisfied; pleased with oneself; self-complacent; 自得其乐 take delight in doing sth. as a pleasurable occupation; be content with one's lot; derive pleasure from sth.; enjoy oneself; find joy in one's own way; (as) pleased as Punch with oneself; 自动 voluntarily; of one's own accord; automatic; spontaneous; automation; self-motion; self-action; 自动暴光 automatic exposure; 自动报警 auto alarm; 自动拨号 automatic dial; 自动倒带 auto rewind; 自动化 robotization; automation; auto ̄ matization; automate; automatize; 自动排版系统 automatic typesetting system; 自动取款机 automatic teller; 自动生产线 automatic production line; 自动售货机 automatic teller machine; slot machine; 自动数据交换中心 automatic data switching center;
自渎[书] self-abuse; masturbation; 自发 spontaneous; 自肥 fatten oneself; enrich oneself by misappropriating funds or material; feather one's nest; 自费 at one's own expense; 自费留学 study abroad at one's own expense; self-funded studying abroad; 自费留学生 self-financed student studying abroad; 自费生 commoner; pensioner; paying pupil; self-financed student; self- paid student; 自分 autotilly; 自焚 burn oneself; self- burning; 自分 [书] estimate one's own ability or strength; 自封 proclaim oneself; style oneself; confine oneself; isolate oneself; 自奉 [书] provide the necessities of life for oneself; 自负 be responsible for one's own action; think highly of oneself; be conceited; 自负盈亏 assume sole responsibility for one's own profits or losses; be held responsible for profit and loss; take full responsibility for own profits and losses; 自甘堕落 give up all confidence in oneself; abandon oneself to vice;lose self-confidence; be happy in one's own degeneration; wallow in degenera ̄ tion; 自感 {电磁} autoconduction; self-induction self-inductance; 自感应 {物} self-induction; 自高自大 have a high opinion of oneself; arrogant; assume great airs; be above oneself; be as vain as a peacock; be full of conceit; be on [get on] the high horse; get too big for one's boots [breeches; shoes]; go about with one's head in the air; high-blown; imagine oneself to be superior to others; look down upon all others; swelled head; swollenheaded; 自告奋勇 offer oneself; come forward of one's own accord to proffer; offer one's free services; offer to undertake (a task); volunteer for some special duty; volunteer to do sth.; willingly take the responsibility upon himself; 自割 {动} autotomy; 自各[个]儿 [方] oneself; by oneself; 自供 confess; 自顾不暇 be busy enough with one's own affairs; can hardly look after oneself; have enough to do to look after oneself; have not even any leisure for oneself; have trouble even in taking care of oneself; 自汗 {中医} spontaneous perspiration [sweating]; 自豪 take(a) pride in; be proud of; have a proper sense of pride or dignity; 自画像 self-portrayal; self-portrait; 自毁 self-destruction; {航空} self-destroying; de ̄ struct; 自激 autoexcitation; self-excitation; free running; auto-exciting; 自己 oneself; of one's own side; closely related; 自己人 one of us; people on one's own side; 自给 self-sufficient; self-contained; self-supporting; 自给自足 provide for oneself; be able to support oneself (and supply one's own needs); 自记(的) self-recording; 自家 [方] oneself; 自检 self-checking; 自荐 recommend oneself (for a job); offer one's services; 自交 selfing; 自尽 commit suicide; take one's own life; 自经 [书] commit suicide by hanging oneself; 自刭 [书] cut one's own throat; 自净 {环保} self-purification; 自救 save oneself; provide for and help oneself; 自咎 blame oneself; rebuke oneself; 自居 consider oneself to be; pose as; 自举 bootstrap; 自掘坟墓 dig one's own grave; bring ruin upon oneself; deaw ruin upon oneself; work for one's own destruction; 自觉 be aware of; conscientious; of one's own free will; {医} autopsyche; 自觉性 the state of being aware of the importance of sth. and so quite willing to do it; consciousness; level of consciousness; 自决 decide by oneself; self-determine; self-determination; 自绝 cut oneself off from; alienate oneself; 自控 automatic control; autocontrol; self-control; automatic regulation; self- steering; 自夸 sing one's own praises; crack oneself up; boast; 自愧弗如 be ashamed of one's inferiority; 自拉自唱 play an instrument and sing by oneself; accompany one's own singing; do sth. all by oneself; 自来 from the beginning; in the first place; originally; 自来红 born red; born revolutionary; 自来火 [方] matches; cigarette-lighter; lighter; 自来水 running water; city water; tap-water;{给水} water supply; 自理 take care of [provide for] oneself; 自立 stand on one's own feet; support oneself; earn one's own living; 自力更生 rely [depend; count] on one's own efforts; hoe one's own row; make one's way in life by one's own efforts; put forth new life by one's own efforts; raise oneself up by one's own bootstraps; rely on one's own strength; self-reliance; take fate in one's own hands; 自量 estimate one's own ability or strength; 自留畜 privately-owned livestock; livestock for personal needs; household livestocks; 自留地 household plot; small plots of land allocated to the commune members for private use; 自流 flow automatically; flow by itself; take its natural course; do as one pleases; 自卖自夸 praise the goods one sells;blow one's own trumpet [horn]; indulge in self-glorifica ̄ tion; 自满 complacent; self-satisfied; self-contented; 自明 self-evident; self-explanatory; obvious; 自鸣得意 sing one's own praises; be puffed up with pride; be very pleased with oneself; blow one's own trumpet [horn]; pride oneself on [upon] having done sth. smart; 自鸣清高 profess to be above politics and worldly considerations; acting as if morally better than others; claim to be immaculate; imagine oneself to be superior to others; 自鸣钟 striking clock; chime clock; 自命 consider oneself; regard oneself as; 自命不凡 pride oneself on being out of the ordinary; assume [give oneself] great airs; be very much conceited; consider oneself above the crowd; feel one's oats; have an extraordinarily high opinion of oneself; overestimate one's own strength; think a great deal of oneself; think highly of oneself; think no end of oneself; 自谋出路 find one's own means of livelihood; find a job for oneself; job searches undertaken by the unemploy ̄ ed themselves; seeking jobs on their own; seek self- employment; 自谋职业 the individual search for jobs; find a job by oneself; 自馁 lose confidence; be discouraged; 自捻纺纱 self-twist spinning; 自捻纱 {纺} self- twisted yarn; 自拍 autodyne; auto heterodyne; 自喷井 {石油} blow well; flowing well; gusher well; 自喷期 {石油} flush stage; flowing life; 自偏 self-bias; auto ̄ bias; 自欺欺人 deceive oneself and [as well as] others; be hooked by one's own lies; cheat oneself and others; fool oneself as well as others; self-deceiving; self-deception; try to deceive others only to end up in deceiving oneself; whip the devil round the stump; 自谦 be modest; be self-effacing; 自遣 divert oneself from melancholy, etc.; cheer oneself up; 自戕 [书] commit suicide; take one's own life; 自强不息 exert oneself constantly; constantly strive to become stronger; continuous self-renewal; strive unceasingly; unceasingly to make earnest efforts to stand on one's own feet; 自取其咎 bring blame on oneself; have only oneself to blame; receive punishment through one's own fault; 自然 nature; natural world; naturally; of course; naturally; in the ordinary course of events; 自然堡区 natural reserve area; 自然辩证法 {哲} dialectics of nature; 自然界 natural world; nature; outdoors; 自然科学 natural science; 自燃 self-ignition; pyrophoricity; breeding-fire; autoignition; catacausis; spontaneous combustion; fire-fanging; spontaneous ignition; 自然 at ease; natural; free from affectation; 自溶 autopepsia; isophagy; autolysis; 自如 [书] with facility; smoothly; freely; 自若 [书] self-possessed; composed; calm and at ease; 自杀 idioctonia; commit suicide; take one's own life; 自上而下 from top to bottom; from above to below; come from above; overhand; 自身 oneself; self; 自身免疫 autoimmunity; 自身难保 risk one's head; be unable even to fend for oneself; can hardly survive; hard to protect one's own self; 自生 authi ̄ gene (矿物); autogeny; idio-; 自食其果 reap what one has sown; be made to pay for one's rabid evildoings; As you brew, so must you drink.; As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.; eat one's own bitter fruit; reap the harvest of one's misdeeds; redound [rebound] upon oneself; Self do, self have.; suffer as a result of one's actions; 自食其力 support oneself; earn one's own living; earn one's salt; live by the sweat of one's brow; live on [by] one's own toil [labor]; self-supporting; 自食其言 go back on one's own words; break one's promise; fail to keep one's promise; retract one's promise; turn back on what one has said; 自始至终 from first to last; ab ovo usque and mala [拉]; all the while; during the whole period; from A to Z; from beginning to end; from cover to cover; from start to finish; from the egg to the apple; 自恃 be self-assured for having sth. or sb. to rely on; count on; capitalize on; 自是 naturally; of course; 自适应 self-adaption [adaptation]; 自视 consider [think; imagine] oneself; 自首 (of a criminal) voluntarily surrender oneself; confess one's crime; give oneself up (to law); make a political recantation; surrender to the enemy; 自赎 redeem oneself; atone for one's crime; 自述 an account in one's own words; recount or narrate by oneself; 自私 selfish; self-centred; self-seeking; 自私自利 (act) selfish(ly); egoistic; egotistic; look after one's own interests; self-centred; selfishness; self-concerned; 自诉 {律} private prosecution; action initiated by an injured party without the participation of the public prosecutor; 自锁 auto-lock; self-lock; self- hold; {电} latch; squegging; 自讨苦吃 get into [be in] hot water; ask [look] for trouble; burn (one's) fingers; prepare a rod for one's own back; ride for fall; seek out hardships; walk oneself into trouble; 自体 autol ̄ ogous; auto-; idio-; aut-; 自投罗网 fall into a snare; bite the hook; come walking right into the trap; (be) caught in a net (through one's own fault); deliver oneself into sb.'s hands; fall into a trap set for oneself by another; hurl oneself willingly into the net; involve oneself; put one's feet into the trap; walk into a trap; 自慰 console oneself; 自卫 defend oneself; self-defense; 自卫反击 fight back [counterattack] in self-defense; launch a counterattack in self-defence; 自刎 commit suicide by cutting one's throat; cut one's throat; 自问 ask oneself; examine oneself; reach a conclusion after weighing a matter; 自我 oneself; self; {心理} ego; 自我暗示 {教} autosuggestion; self-suggestion; auto-suggestion; 自我补偿 self-liquidating; 自我吹嘘 boost oneself; boast smugly; blow one's own trumpet; brag and boast; self-praise; crack oneself up; self-glorification; 自我催眠 idiohypnotism; 自我批评 self-criticism; criticize oneself; 自我陶醉 indulge in self-delusion; indulge in the joy over one's successes; narcotic; imagine oneself to be better than one really is; intoxicated with oneself; 自我完善 self-integrity; improve oneself; 自我牺牲 sacrifice oneself; self- denial; self-devotion; self-renunciation; self-sacri ̄ fice; 自我欣赏 self-appreciation; self-admiration; 自我约束机制 self-restraint mechanism; 自我作古 do what others have never done before; be a pioneer; be the first to do sth.; be the founder or originator of sth.; not bound by conventionality; originate a method, etc.; 自习 (of students) study by oneself in scheduled time or free time; review one's lessons; 自下而上 from bottom to top; from the bottom up; come from below; 自相残杀[害] cut one another's throats; cause death to one another; destroy each other; fight against each other; fratricidal fighting; internecine; kill each other; mutual annihilation; 自相关 autocor ̄ relation; self-correlation; 自相矛盾 stultify oneself; antilogy; antinomy; argue against oneself; be inconsis ̄ tent; beat oneself with one's own staff; contradict oneself; self-contradiction; be self-contradictory; 自销 sales through one's own channels; 自卸 self-discharging; 自新 turn over a new leaf; make a fresh start; 自信 self-confident; believe in oneself; 自行 by oneself; of oneself; of one's own accord; voluntarily;{天}proper motion; self-powered; {地} auto-morphic; 自行车 bicycle; bike; 自修 review one's lessons by oneself; (of students) study by oneself; have self-study; study on one's own; teach oneself; study independently; 自诩 [书] praise oneself; crack oneself up; brag and boast; 自序[叙] author's preface; preface; autobiographic note; brief account of oneself; 自旋 {物} spin; spinning; 自旋波 spin wave; 自选 {体} free; optional; 自选商场 supermarket; self-service market; 自学 study on one's own; study independently; teach oneself; self- study; self-taught; self-learning; 自学成才 become talented through self-study; 自寻烦恼 bring trouble on oneself; borrow trouble; look [ask] for trouble oneself; give oneself unnecessary trouble; 自寻死路 bring about one's own destruction; 自言自语 keep on chattering though no one is listening; soliloquize; think aloud; think out loud; 自养 autotrophy; autrophism; autotrophic nutrition; 自以为是 be opinionated; be self-righteous; believe sth. to be correct opinionately; bumptious; claim infallibility presumptuously; have a firm belief in one's own opinions; regard oneself as in ̄ fallible; stuffy; think oneself right; 自缢 [书] hang oneself; 自营业务 self-operated business; 自用 obstinately holding to one's own view; opinionated; self-will ̄ ed; personal; for private use; 自由 freedom; liberty; free; unrestrained; {哲} freedom; 自由场 free field; 自由度 free degree; variance; degree of freedom; freedom; freedom of motion; 自由飞 {航空} free flight; 自由化 liberalization; 自由基 (free) radical; 自由空间 free space; 自由恋爱 free love; freedom to choose one's spouse; 自由散漫 be free and easy; easy-going and desultory; follow one's own inclinations; go one's own way without discipline; slack; lax in discipline; 自由王国 {哲} the realm of freedom; 自由价格机制 free-pricing mechanism; 自由贸易区 free trade zone; 自由主义 liberalism; 自由自在 take one's ease; be one's own man; able to do anything of one's own free will; at liberty; at one's ease; be contented and happy wherever one may be; comfortable; free and unrestrained; free and easy; (as) free as the wind; in a state of bliss; leisurely and carefree; perfectly free without restraint; without the least worry; 自圆其说 make out a good case (for oneself); fill up gaps in one's theory; give a satisfactory explanation of what one has said [done]; justify oneself; make one's case sound plausible; make one's statement consistent; patch up the breach oneself; self-justification; 自愿 volunteer; of one's own free will; of one's own accord; voluntari ̄ ly; 自在 free; unrestrained; 自在 comfortable; at ease; 自责 self-accusation; 自找 suffer from one's own actions; ask for it; 自制 made by oneself; self-control; self-restraint; 自治 exercise autonomy; autonomous rule; self-rule; self-government; autonomy; 自重 conduct oneself with dignity; be self-possessed; be self- dignified; dead-weight; dead load; 自主 act on one's own; be one's own master; decide for oneself; keep the initiative in one's own hands; {生} autonomously; (企业)自主权 right to handle enterprises' own affairs; right to manage one's own affairs; right to make one's own decisions; giving greater autonomy to (enterprises); (enterprises are granted greater); independence; decision-making power [right]; power of decision; power (of the enterprises) to make their own decisions; autonomy; 自转 revolve on its own axis; rotation; revolution; autorotation; windmilling; spin; 自传 autobiography; 自走式 self-propelled; 自酌 enjoy a cup of wine all by oneself; 自尊 self-respect; self-esteem; proper pride; 自尊心 self-respect; sense of self- respect; 自作自受 reap the fruits of one's actions; As you brew, so you must drink.; As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.; fall into a trap set by oneself;reap the fruits of one's actions; suffer for [on] one's own account [act]; 自作聪明 fancy [think] oneself clever [smart]; act on the strength of one's own imagined cleverness; be wise in one's own conceit; consider oneself clever and act accordingly; fancy one has a monopoly of wisdom; presumptuous; 自作多情 imagine oneself as the favourite of one of the opposite sex; be under the hallucination that the other party is willing; goo; self-sentimental; 自作主张 have one's own way of doing things; act on one's own; decide all by oneself; make a decision one is not in a position to make





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