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单词 ice
释义 ice1 /ais; ais/ n 1 [U] frozen water; water made solid by cold: 冰: Is the ice thick enough for skating? 这冰的厚度可以溜冰吗? break the ice, (fig) get people on friendly terms; overcome formality or reserve; take the first steps in a delicate matter. (喻) 使人们融洽; 打破拘束或矜持; 着手做一须慎重处理之事。 cut no ice (with sb), have little or no effect or influence (on him). 对 (某人) 无作用,无影响力。 keep sth on ice. in a re-frigerator; (fig) reserve for later use. 贮藏于电冰箱中; (喻) 保留供日后使用。 be skating on thin ice, (fig) in a dangerous or delicate situation. (喻) 如履薄冰; 在危险或须慎重将事的境况中。 dry ice, cdry' (12). 2 [C] frozen sweet of various kinds: 冰冻的各种甜食: water-ice; 冰糕; 果汁棒; cream ices; 次淇淋; two strawberry ices. 两份草莓冰。 icecream below. 参看下列之 icecream. 3 (compounds) (复合字) 'Ice Age n time when much of the N hemisphere was covered with glaciers; glacial period. 冰河时代。 'ice-axe n axe used by mountain climbers for cutting steps in ice. (爬山者所用之) 破冰斧。 'iceberg n mass of ice (broken off a glacier) moving in the sea; (fig) unemotional person: 冰山 (漂浮于海上之大块冰层,为冰河的断离部份); (喻) 冷淡的人: his iceberg of a wife. 他那冷淡的妻子。 'ice.boat n boat fitted with runners and sails for travelling on a frozen lake or sea. 冰上滑行的船。 ,ice.bound adj (of harbours, etc) obstructed by ice. (指港口等) 冰封的。 'ice-box n box in which ice is used to keep food cool; (US) refrigerator. 冰箱; (美) 电冰箱。 'ice.breker n ship with strong curved bows used for breaking a passage through ice. 破冰船。 'icecap n permanent covering of ice sloping down on all sides from a high centre. 冰帽; 冰台 (永积的冰层,自中心向各方倾斜) 。 jce-'cream n [C, U] (portion of) cream or custard (or various modern substitutes), sweetened, and flavoured and frozen. (一份) 冰淇淋。 icecube n cube of ice made in an icetray in a refrigerator. (冰箱内结冰盘中制成的) 冰块。 'ice.fall n steep part of a glacier, like a frozen waterfall. 冰布 (冰河之陡峭部份,似结冰之瀑布) 。 ice-field n large expanse of (esp marine) ice in the Polar regions. 两极地区之 (尤指海上) 冰原。 'ice-floe /-flau; -?flo/ n large sheet of floating ice, 大浮冰。 'ice-free adj (of a port or harbour) free from ice. (指港口) 不冻的。 → tcebouna above. 参看上列之 icebound → ice hockey. hockey. 'icehouse n building often partly or wholly underground for storing ice in winter for use in summer. 储冰库 (常是部份或整个建于地下,在冬季贮冰以备夏季之用) 。 jce-1 lolly n flavoured ice on a stick. 冰棒。 'iceman /-maen; -zmaen/ n (pl -men) (US) man who retails and delivers ice (for use in iceboxes, etc). CM) 冰商; 送冰人。 'icepack n a stretch of sea covered with broken ice that has drifted into masses. (海中的) 冰兽块。 b bag of broken ice used as an application, eg to the head, for fever. 冰袋 (作为敷用物,例如发烧时置于头上者) 。 ice-pick n tool for breaking ice. (将冰击碎之) 冰锄。 'ice-rink n indoor skating-rink with a floor of artificial ice. 用人造冰作冰池之室内溜冰场 o'ice-show n variety entertainment in which the performers are on ice-skates (on a floor of artificial ice). (在人造冰上之) 溜冰综艺表演。 'ice-skate n thin metal runner or blade on a boot for skating on ice. 溜冰桂底之滑刀或冰刀。 → vr skate on ice. 溜冰。 → the illus at skate. KN skate 之插图。 'ice-tray n one kept in the deep-freeze compartment of a refrigerator, for making cubes of ice. 冰箱内制冰块的盘。 an iceberg icicles




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