释义 |
腰缠万贯yāo chán wàn guànown tens of thousands and millions of dollars;wallow in money ❍ 如果一方面承认每个公民有占有同量土地的平等权利,一方面一小撮人~,而大多数人仍然一贫如洗,那么人民能不能摆脱压迫和剥削呢? Can the people be delivered from oppression and exploitation if the right of every citizen to an equal-sized piece of land is recognised,when,at the same time,a handful of people own tens of thousands and millions of dollars each,and the mass of the people remain poor?/上层阶级~,挥金如土。The upper classes wallow in money and spend it like water. 腰缠万贯yao chan wan guanvery rich 腰缠万贯very rich 腰缠万贯yāo chán wàn ɡuàn贯:钱贯。形容拥有非常多的钱财。a wealthy person, wallow in money, very rich |