释义 |
腥xīnɡⅠ (肉类鱼类等食物) raw meat or fish: 荤 ~ dishes of meat or fish Ⅱ (有腥气) having the smell of fish, seafood, etc. ◆腥臭 stinking smell as of rotten fish; stench; 腥风血雨 a foul wind and a rain of blood — (reactionary) reign of terror; winds carrying an offensive smell of blood; sanguinary slaughter; great blood-shed; 腥气 the smell of fish, seafood, etc.; stinking; fishy;stenchy; 腥臊 smelling of urine; the offensive smell of a fox; 腥膻 smelling of fish or mutton; 腥味儿 smelling of fish; fishy |