腐败无能fǔ bài wú néngcorrupt and incom petent ❍ 从甲午年中日战争失败,庚子年八国联军入京以后,全中国百姓,都看清满清政府,卖国媚外,~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—144) Ever since we lost the war to Japan in 1894 and the invasion of Beijing by the combined forces of the eight foreign countries in 1900,all the people in China began to realize that the Manchu government was corrupt and incompetent,bent on selling out our country and toadying to the foreigners. 腐败无能fǔ bài wú nénɡ道德败坏,无所作为。corrupt and incompetent, corrupt and ineffectual |