单词 | hunt |
释义 | hunt2 /hAnt; hAnt/ vi, vt 1 [VP6A, 2A, C] go after (wild animals) for food or sport: 狩盛: ~ big game; 猎大猎物; go out ~ing. 去打猎。 Wolves ~ in packs. 狼成群猎食。 shooting at shoot. 2 [VP2A, 3A, 15B] search for. 搜索; 寻找。 ~ down. pursue and find; bring to bay: 追寻而且捕获; 穷追: ~ down a criminal/an escaped prisoner. 捕获一罪犯 (逃犯)。 ~ for, search for; try to find: 寻找; 寻求: — fora lost book. 寻找一本遗失的书。 ~ out. (try to) find by searching (sth that has been put away and forgotten): 寻出(放置起来而被遗忘之物】: ~ out an old diary/a black tie that hasn't been needed for years. 寻出一旧日记(数年未用的黑领带)。 ~ up, search for (sth hidden or difficult to find): 寻找(隐藏或难发现之物): ~ up old records/references/ quotations. 搜寻旧记录(参考资料,引用之文句)。 3 [VP6A, 15A] drive or chase away: 骗逐: ~ the neighbour's cats out of the garden. 将邻家的猫逐出花园。 4 [VP6A] (special uses in GB; foxhunting) follow the hounds through or in (a district): (美国之特殊用法; 指猎狐)在(一地区)狩获: ~ the county; 在此郡中狩猎; employ (a horse) in ~ing: 骑(马)狩 M: ~ one's horse all winter; 整个冬季骑马狩猎; act as master or huntsman of (a pack of hounds): 带领(一队征犬)狩猎: ~ the hounds. 带着猎犬狩猎。 ~er n 1 person who ~s: 狩猎的人; 猎人; 搜寻者: ~ ers of big game in Africa. 狩猎非洲大猎物之猎人。 (Note that in GB a person who ~s foxes, etc on horseback or shoots grouse, pheasants, etc is not called a ~er. 'Do you hunt/shoot? is preferred to Are you a ~er?') (注意:在英国骑马猎狐等或以枪打猫松鸡、雉等之人, 不称为 hunter。Do you hunt/ shoot? 较 Are you a hunter? 为佳。) 2 horse used in fox-hunting. 猎马俄孤用书)。 3 pocket watch with a metal cover protecting the glass face. 猎人表(有金属盖保护表面之怀表)。 ~ing n [U] 1 the act of ~ing; (esp in GB) fox ~ing: 狩猎; (尤用于英国)猎孤: He's fond of ~ing. 他喜欢打猎。 2 (attrib) (形容用法) a ' ~ing-man; 猎人; a ' ~ing-horn. 餐人用的号角。 '~ing ground, (fig) place where one may search for sth with hope of success. 猎场; (喻)可寻获某物之处。 I ~ing pink, shade of red worn by huntsmen. 一种猎人装常采用的红色。 ~ ress /'hAntns; 'hAntns/ n (liter) woman who ~s, eg the goddess Diana. (文)女猎人; 狩猎女神(月神)。 |
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