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单词 脱胎换骨

脱胎换骨tuō tāi huàn gǔ

become a (completely)new man; be reborn;cast off one’s old self (and take on a new self; a thoroughgoing change;thoroughly (/completely) remould oneself;turn over a new leaf; undergo a complete change
❍ 这也是 ‘~’呵,连你都认不出我来,我放心了。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》274) As you just said of yourself,“I’m a completely new man!” Why,even you didn’t recognize me.That’s a good one. I feel really safe.
❍ 有一回他还和我说,他已经~了呢。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》265) He once told me that he was a new man altogther.
❍ 你看看,共产党一来,怎么人都象~似的,变了个样?(杨朔《三千里江山》 5)You see,practically everybody has become a new man since the Communist Party came.
❍ 我们说要~,他说~就会抽筋剥皮。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—489) We say one should cast off one’s old self and he says that means having your tendons pulled out and one’s skin torn off./……也就是要他们得到“~”的本质改造。(周恩来) ……That is to say,they should “cast off their old selves and take on new selves”—make a change in their very nature.
❍ 去年年底,《现代评论》不就变了论调了么? 和 “三一八惨案”时候的议论一比照,我真疑心他们都得了一种仙丹,忽然~。(鲁迅《庆祝沪宁克复的那一边》) Didn’t the Modern Critic change its tune at the end of last year?Comparing this with their comments at the time of the March 18th Incident,I really suspect they must all have got hold of some miraculous drug which has all of a sudden made new men of them.
❍ 若要我~,哈哈,我自己还很中意这副臭皮囊呢。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》107)If you want me to turn over a new leaf you’re going to be unlucky,because I happen to like myself just the way I am—ghastly though I may be.


cast off one’s old self;thoroughly remold oneself; be reborn; undergo a radical transformation

脱胎换骨tuō tāi huàn ɡǔ

原为道教用语,指修道者得道,就可以把凡胎脱掉变成圣胎,凡骨也变成了仙骨。现多比喻经过教育改造,人的立场和世界观得以彻底改变。也比喻重新做人。thoroughly remould oneself, be reborn, remould oneself thoroughly





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