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单词 hum
释义 hum /hAm; hAm/ vi, vt (-mm-) [VP6A, 2A, C] 1 make a continuous sound 1 汰 e that made by bees; sing with closed lips: 作可嚼声; 哼唱: She was humming a song to herself. 她自己在哼唱着。 The bees were humming in the garden. 蜜蜂走花园里唆嗡叫着。 kum ming bird n name used of several species, usu small and brightly coloured, that make a humming sound by vibration of the wings. 蜂鸟 (通常体小而毛色鲜艳,鼓动翅膀发叽叽声) o 'humming-top n top that hums when it spins. 响簧陀螺。 2 be in a state of activity: 活跃: make things hum; 使事情活跃起来; a factory humming with activity. 忙碌的工厂。 3 (sl) smellu npleasantly: lS)发臭味: This ham is beginning to hum. 这火腿开始发臭亍。 4 usu 通常作 hum and haw/ha, (colloq) make sounds expressing hesitation or doubt. (商发咕嗔声 (表示迟疑) 。 n humming noise: 嚼嗡声: the hum of bees/of distant traffic; 蜜蜂 (远处往来之车辆) 之嚼嚼声; a hum of voices/conversation from the next room. 邻室之嚼嚼的谈话声。




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