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单词 howl
释义 howl /haul; haul/ n [C] long, loud cry, eg of a wolf; long cry of a person in pain, or of sb expressing scorn, amusement, etc: 号叫 (例如狼嗥); (人于痛苦时的) 哀号; (表示轻蔑、高兴等的) 高声叫嚣: ~s of derision. 表示嘲笑的吼叫。 vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C] utter such cries: 号叫; 哀晚; 高声叫嚣: wolves ~ing in the forest. 在森林中仓叫而狼。 The wind ~ed through the trees. 成在林间成凯 The boys ~ed with laughter. 男孩子们高声大笑。 2 [VP6A, 15A, B] ~ (down), utter ~s at; utter with ~s: 对…吼浦; 吼应着说出: ~ defiance at the enemy; 吼叫着对藏人孙战; ~ down a speaker, prevent him from being heard. 用吼叫声掩盖演说者的声音。 ~er n (colloq) foolish and laughable mistake, (俗) 愚蠢可笑的错误。 ~ing adj (sl) extreme; glaring: (俚) 极端的; 显而易见的: a ~ing shame. 奇耻大辱。




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