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单词 能屈能伸

能屈能伸néng qū néng shēn

be able to bow and rise at will; be able to stoop or stand erect; be adaptable to circumstances; know when to eat humble pie and when to hold one’s head high; know when to yield and when not; submit or assert oneself as occasion requires
❍ 关先生,大丈夫~,改一改吧,吓?(田汉 《关汉卿》55) Master Guan,don’t forget: “A man of men is he who knows when to eat humble pie and when to hold his head high.” You will make the changes,won’t you?

能屈能伸neng qu neng shen

be able to stoop or to stand erect—submit or assert oneself as the occasion requires


be able to stand erect or to stoop;submit or asset oneself as the occasion requires;be adaptable to circumstances
~方为好汉。He who knows how to fight and how to retreat deserves to be called a brave man./大丈夫~。A real man should learn to be flexible.

能屈能伸能伸能屈nénɡ qū nénɡ shēn

屈:弯曲;伸:伸直、施展。能弯曲也能伸直。指人在不得意时能承受屈辱,在得志时能施展抱负。can take temporary setbacks, be able to stoop or to stand, be able to bow and rise at will





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