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单词 胼手胝足

胼手胝足pián shǒu zhī zú

have gone through long drudgery; one’s hands and feet covered with calluses;(/worn and calloused); toil and moil; with callous hands and feet; work one’s fingers to the bone
❍ 夏禹勤王,手足胼胝。(刘义庆《世说新语·言语》) Yu of Xia ruled with such diligence that his hands and feet were worn and calloused.
❍ 臣多年躬耕田陇,~,衣布衣,食粗食,清贫自守,不慕荣利,…… (姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—794) I lived years on the land,my hands and feet are worn and calloused,my clothes rough,and I accepted the hard life never seeking wealth.

胼手胝足pian shou zhi zu

callosity forming on palms or feet because of hard labour





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