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❶ (胸部) chest; bosom; thorax: 挺 ~ throw out one's chest; 孩子把脸贴在母亲的 ~ 前。 The child buried its face in its mother's bosom. 她感到 ~ 痛。 She felt an ache in her bosom.
❷ (心里) mind; heart: 心 ~ breadth of mind
◆胸(环)靶 {军} chest silhouette; 胸痹 {医} obstruction of qi in the chest; 胸部 chest; bosom; breast; bosom; bust; {无脊椎} thorax; pereion; truncus; baenosome; stethidium; pereion; 胸次 [书] mind; mood; 胸大肌 {解} pectoralis major; pectoralis; ectopectoralis; 胸窦 sinus sternalis; 胸斧鱼 hatchet fish; 胸骨 sternum; breastbone; sterno-; stern- ; 胸怀 mind; heart; breast; 胸怀大志 aim high; a person with great ambitions; cherish high aspirations; cherish lofty designs in one's bosom; entertain great ambitions; in one's mind; keep high aspirations [exalted ambition] at heart; 胸怀宽广 have largeness of mind; broad-minded; large-minded; liberal-minded; 胸怀磊落 harboring no evil thought; 胸怀全局 have [keep] the overall situation in mind; have the general interest at heart; have the magnanimity to take in the situation as a whole; keep the whole situation in mind; 胸怀若谷 One's broad-mindedness is vast as the ocean.; 胸怀坦白 be frank and open; frank; bigness [largeness] of mind; free heart; openhearted; wear one's heart on one's sleeve; 胸怀韬略 One's bosom hides a strategy.; 胸怀狭窄 narrow-minded; small-minded; 胸怀祖国 have [keep] the entire motherland in mind; 胸肌 {脊椎} pectorales; pectoralis; pectoral; pecloralis muscles; chest muscle; 胸甲 cuirass; breastplate; 胸襟 mind; breadth of mind; 胸襟豁达 have largeness [broadness] of mind; broad-minded; liberal-minded; open-minded; (a man) with a large heart and large tolerance; 胸口 the pit of the stomach; 胸宽 {人} chest breadth; 胸廓 thorax; rib cage; 胸肋 sternal rib; 胸满 fullness sensation in chest; chest stuffiness; 胸毛 chest hair; 胸闷 sense of suppression in the chest; choking sensation in chest; 胸闷欲呕 chest tightness and nausea; 胸膜 pleura; pleur; ligament; 胸佩红花 pin a red flower on someone's chest; 胸佩徽章 pin a badge on someone's chest; 胸脯 chest; 胸鳍 pectoral fin; pectoral; 胸前 colpus; prethoracic; 胸腔 anocelia; anocoelia; pleural; thoracic cavity; thorac-; thoraci-; thoraco-; 胸肉 brisket; 胸如垒块 The mind is as if piled up by colds.; 胸式呼吸 thoracic breathing; 胸式伞包 chest pack; 胸饰 brooch; breastplate; stomacher; pectoral; plastron; 胸饰用针 breast pin; 胸膛 breast; thorax; chest; 胸痛 pectoralgia; thoracalgia; thoracodynia; stethalgia; chest pain; 胸外科 chest surgery; 胸围 chest measurement; bust; chest circumference; 胸无城府 having nothing hidden in the mind; artless; simple and candid; 胸无大志 with no ambition at all; one with only moderate aspirations; one without much of a ambition or any ambition of note; want of lofty aspirations; 胸无点墨 unlearned; ignorant; not a bit of ink in one's chest; not a word in one's breast; practically illiterate; unlettered; without much learning or knowledge; 胸无芥蒂 nothing at all on the mind; no enmity; no grudge in the mind; 胸无宿物 nothing concealed in a straightforward man's mind; never to bear sb. a grudge; 胸腺 thymus gland; bust line; thymus; thymo- ; 胸像 (sculptured) bust; 胸衣 corsage; shirt-front; plastron; cuirass; 胸臆 thought; one's feelings; heart; 胸音 chest tone; 胸有成竹 have a well- thought-out plan, stratagem, etc.; a well-regulated mind; get it all together; have [keep] a card up one's sleeve; have a preconceived idea at heart; have a well-thought-out plan beforehand; have got it all worked out; have had ready plans [designs] in one's mind; have ready plans to meet a situation; have sth. up [in] one's sleeve; have things as a whole well thought out beforehand; know what to do in one's mind; stratagem up one's sleeve; with complete confidence; 胸有城府 mental reservation; reticence; 胸有妙算 have smart ideas up one's sleeve; have some tricks up one's sleeve; 胸有全局 have the whole situation in mind; 胸有朝阳 have the morning sun in one's heart; 胸罩 bra; brassiere; bust bodice; breast form; breast shield; 胸中烦热 {医} irritable feverish sensation in chest; 胸中甲兵 expert in military strategy; good at fighting a war; 胸中鳞甲 with a chest full of scales and shells; dangerous and treacherous; treachery and murder in one's mind; vicious; 胸中丘壑 a mind's intricate thoughts; be obstinate in one's notions; be obstinate [wedded] to one's ideas; obstinate and stubborn prejudices; 胸中无数 have no idea of it at all; be at sea as to (what a thing is likely to be, etc.); be ignorant of how things stand; 胸中有数 have a good idea of how things stand; have a head for figures; have in one's mind at least a rough estimate of; know the true state of affairs; 胸椎 {心理} thoracic vertebra; vertebra thoracalis


chest; thorax





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