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单词 胡思乱想

胡思乱想胡猜乱想hú sī luàn xiǎng

be lost in foolish reflections; be plunged in reverie; cranky;daydream; entertain foolish ideas; give free play to one’s imaginations; go off into wild flights of fancy;have a bee in one’s bonnet (/head); have a maggot in one’s head (/brain); let one’s imagination (s)(/fancy)run away with one
❍ 正在那胡猜乱想之中,只见半空中彩雾灿灿,行者忽坠阶前跪道:“师父,袈裟来了。”(《西游记》 242) He was filled with such foolish thoughts and wild speculations when he saw bright,rose-coloured clouds approaching in the sky.Dropping down at the floor of the steps and kneeling,Pilgrim said,“Master,the cassock is here!”/二人一样~,宝玉又问他读什么书,秦钟见问,便依实而答。(《红楼梦》89) ❶Thus both were lost in equally foolish reflections until Baoyu abruptly asked Qin Zhong what he was reading and,the latter answering frankly,…
❷Each,plunged in reverie,for a while said nothing.Then Baoyu asked Qin Zhong about his reading,and Qin Zhong replied—in full,without the trappings of politeness: …/~,一夜也不曾合眼。(《红楼梦》141)Torn by these violent and conflicting emotions,he passed the whole night without a single wink of sleep.
❍ 你~个啥?你想往绝路上走呀?放清醒点!你把眼睛睁亮! (柳青《创业史》209) What crazy idea has possessed you? Do you really want to take the road to the edge of the cliff? Wake up. Open your eyes.
❍ 然而他亦不能再往下~,有人把大门上的门环打得怪响。(茅盾《子夜》227) He was jolted out of his day-dreamby a loud knocking at the gate.
❍ 会做文章的人总爱~。想到尽头,还是自己害自己啦,何苦来。(郭沫若《屈原》71) These literary people always let their imagi-nations run away with them,until sooner or later theyget themselves into trouble. How unfortunate!/当然,任何人不可以无根据地~,不可以超越客观情况所许可的条件去计划自己的行动,不要勉强地去做那些实在做不到的事情。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—224) Of course no oneshould go off into wild flights of fancy,or make plansof action unwarranted by the objective situation,orstretch for the impossible.
❍ 正说着,贾母那边打发过鸳鸯来说: “知道宝玉旧病又发,叫袭人劝说安慰叫他不用~。”(《红楼梦》1302) At this point Yuanyang arrived,sent by the old lady to say that she had heard ofBaoyu’s relapse and Xiren must comfort him and talkhim round—he must stop having foolish fancies.
❍ 她一个人还睁着眼睛,在~……(周立波《山乡巨变》39) Herown eyes were still wide open and her mind racing inwild confusion.
❍ 那包勇正在酒后~,忽听那边喝道而来。(《红楼梦》1381) He was letting his drunken fancyrun wild when he heard runners shouting,“Clear theway!”


indulge in flights of fancy;gave way to foolish fancies

胡思乱想hú sī luàn xiǎnɡ

没有根据脱离实际地瞎想。miles away, imagine things, entertain foolish ideas, wander, have a bee in one’s bonnet(or head), confuse one’s brain by foolish ideas





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更新时间:2025/1/19 15:06:36