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单词 背水一战

背水一战背水而战/背水奋战bèi shuǐ yī zhàn

fight with one’s back to the river—fight to win or die; burn one’s boats (/bridges) behind during a battle; fight courageously; deploy the troops with their backs to a river in valiant combat; fight with a rope round one’s neck
❍ 如未渡河,我迫敌~。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》436) If they have not yet begun to cross,we should force them to fight with their backs against the water.
❍ 昔韩信背水为阵,所谓“置之死地而后生”也。(《三国演义》621) When Han Xin made his army with a river in his rear,he said that out of the place of death one could return to life.

背水一战bei shui yi zhan

fight with one’s back to the river—fight to win or die


make-or-break (e.g.,The reform for us is a make-or-break reform and success is the only acceptable option);fight to win or die;fight a lastditch battle;put up a desperate fight

背水一战bèi shuǐ yī zhàn

背水:背对着水。比喻决一死战。fight to win or die, burn one’s boats (bridges), fight courageously





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:48:14