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单词 胆大心细

胆大心细胆大心小dǎn dà xīn xì

bold but cautious (/yet careful); brave but not reckless;courageous and meticulous; fearless and level headed
❍ 制极精工,镌字一行,曰:“胆欲大而心欲小,智欲圆而行欲方。” (《聊斋志异·陆判》146) It was of exquisite workmanship ,and on the blade was engraved this legend:—“Be bold,but cautious; round in disposition,square in action.”/改霞听得他们这样谈论,心里感到舒服——“生宝是有办法,他~……”(柳青《创业史》250) As Gaixia listened,her heart felt smooth and comfortable,as if it had been ironed.“Shengbao can manage,” they said,“He’s bold but painstaking.”/我也要求我的部下牢记:勇于进攻,~,使敌人无隙可乘,作战则百无一失! (杜鹏程《保卫延安》437) I also request that you never forget this: Attack courageously,be bold yet careful,don’t give the enemy a single opening,so that we can win every encounter!/你的固执而耿直的爹爹,你的慈爱而贤良的妈妈,你的胆大而心细的哥哥,都在无形中使你变得更高尚,更纯洁。(柳青《创业史》457) Your stubborn direct father,your loving virtuous mother,your courageous meticulous brother,have all contributed to the shaping of your noble character.

胆大心细dǎn dà xīn xì

形容做事胆子非常大,而且考虑问题也非常周到。be bold and careful,be cautious and bold,brave but not reckless, bold but cautious, bold but painstaking, courageous and wise





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