胆(膽)dǎn❶ {解} (胆囊) gallbladder ❷ (胆量) courage;guts;bravery:放 ~ act boldly and with confidence; 壮 ~ boost sb.'s courage ❸ (装在器物内部,可容纳水、空气等物的东西) a bladder-like inner container:球 ~ the rubber bladder of a ball; 热水瓶 ~ the glass liner of a vacuum flask;inner flask ❹ (姓氏) a surname:~ 信 Dan Xin ◆胆大 bold;audacious; 胆大包天 audacious in the extreme;heaven-daring;with desperate daring; 胆大妄为 reckless;act in a foolhardy manner;be undaunted and reckless;daredevil;impudent;rush in where angels fear to tread;unscrupulous; 胆大心细 bold but cautious;brave but not reckless;courageous and wise; 胆矾 {化} cyanosite (= cyanose);burnt brass;chalcanthite;calcantite;blue vitriol;bluestone; 胆敢 dare;have the audacity to; 胆固醇 {生化} cholesterol;cholesterin; 胆寒 be terrified;be struck with terror;have one's heart in one's boots;be overcome by fear; 胆红素 {生化} bilirubin; 胆碱 {生化} choline; 胆量 courage;boldness;guts;pluck;spunk; 胆略 daring and resolution;courage and resourcefulness; 胆囊 {解} gallbladder;cholecyst;vesica fellea;bile-cyst;{穴位} Dannang (Extra 36);胆瓶 vase with a slender neck and a bulging belly; 胆怯 timid;cowardly;nervous; 胆石 {医} biliary calculus;cholelith;gallstone; 胆识 courage and insight;superior judgement; 胆酸 {生化} choleic acid;cholic acid; 胆小 timid;cowardly; 胆小如鼠 as timid [cowardly] as a mouse;as timid as a hare;be a coward;cannot say boo to a goose;chicken-hearted;mouselike timidity; 胆战心惊 tremble with fear [fright];shake [shiver] in one's boots;be all of a jump;be thrown into panic;chilled with fear;nervous and jumpy;panic-stricken;panic- struck;be terror-stricken; 胆汁 {生理} bile;gall; 胆子 courage;nerve |