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单词 home
释义 home1 /haom; hom/ n 1 place where one lives, esp with one's family: 家; 家庭: He left ~ at the age of 16, left his parents and began an independent life. 他十六岁离开了家 (离开父母过独立生活) 。 He looks forward to seeing the old ~ again, eg his birthplace, 他盼望能再看到老家。 He was born in England, but he now looks on Paris as his ~. 他生在英国,但现在将巴黎当作他的家乡。 When 1 retire I shall make my ~ in the country. 我退休后将在乡间安家。 He left India for ~, for his own country. 他离开印度回国去了。 at ~ . a in the house: 在家里: I've left my books at ~. 我把我的书留在家里了。 Is there anybody at ~? 有人在家吗? b (football, etc) in the town, etc to which the team belongs: (足球赛等)在球队所属的城市等: Is our next match at ~ or away? 我们下次比赛是在本地返是在他处举行? Hence, 由此产生, the '~team, the team playing at ~. 地主队。 c expecting and ready to receive visitors at an appointed time: 在一指定的时间会客: 'Mrs Carr will be at ~, Monday, 1 May, 5pm:'卡尔太太将于五月一日,星期一,下午五时仓客。'at-'- n social function at which guests are expected at a time announced. 约定时日之接待宾客。 not at ~ (to). not receiving visitors: 不会客: Mrs Hill is not at ~ to anyone except relatives. 奚尔太太不会客,但亲属除外 <, make oneself/be/feel at ~,as if in one's own house; at one's ease: 感觉如在自己家中; 无拘束: The bpy did not feel at ~ in such a splendid house. 那男孩子在这样堂皇的房子内感到拘束。 at ~ in, familiar with, accustomed to: 熟悉; 习惯: Is it difficult to feel at ~ in a foreign language, to feel easy and confident while using one? 精通一种外国语言困难吗? be ~ and dry, (colloq) succeed. (俗)成功。 ~ from ~, a place where one is as happy, comfortable, etc as in one's own ~: 像家一辰妄适的处所: Prison is not usually a ~ from 监狱通常不是像家一样安 Si 的处所。 nothing to write ~ about, (colloq) nothing remarkable, (俗)乏善可陈; 平淡无奇。 2 institution or place (for the care of children, old or sick people, etc): (照顾儿童,老弱,残疾等之)机构或处所: 'orphans'~, 孤儿志; a, nursing 疗养院; maternity 妇女收容所。 3 (often attrib) family or domestic life: (常作形容用法)家庭生活: the pleasures of ~; 天伦之乐; 家庭生活之乐; ~ comforts/joys; 家庭生活的舒适(欢乐); ~ life. 家庭生活。 ]~eco'nomics — housecraft. I ~ 'help n (GB) person employed to help the elderly, infirm or ill (and who are without the help of relatives or friends). (英)帮做家事的人(雇用以协助年长,体弱或生病,而无亲友协助之人们)。 4 (= habitat) place where an animal or plant is native or most common: 动植物的栖息地或生长地: the ~ of the tiger and the elephant, eg the jungle; 虎及象之栖息地(例如丛林地带); the ~ of the fur-seal. 海狗的生长地。 5 (in sport and in various games) goal; place where a player is safe and cannot be caught, put out, etc. (运动及多种游戏中)终点; 安全之处; 不能被捉住、逐出等之处。 the ' ~ plate, (baseball) base at which the batsman stands to bat. (棒球)本垒。 ~ 'run, (baseball) one made after a hit which enables the batsman to go round all the bases without stopping. (棒球)本垒打; 全墨打(打出一球后,可安全跑完一圈,经过各垒,不必停留) othe , ~ 'straight/'stretch, last part of a track, near the winning-post. 终点直道; 接近终点的一段跑道。 6 (attrib) of the ~; of one's own country (→ domestic, inland, contrasted with foreign): (形容用法)家庭的; 本国的(与 foreign 相对): ~ industries /products; 国内工业(产品); the ~ trade/market. 国内贸易(市场)。 one's, ~ 'town, town (not necessarily one's birthplace) in which one lives permanently. 永久居留扇(并不一定是出生地)。 the, H~'Counties, those round London. 伦敦附近各郡。 the H~ Office, department controlling local government, police, etc in England and Wales, under the minister called the H~ Secretary, or Secretary of State for H~ Affairs (US 美 — Department of the Interior). 内政部(在英国内政部长称作 Home Secretary 或 Secretary of State for Home Affairs) → 7 (compounds) (复合字), ~- 'baked adj (of bread, etc) baked at ~, not bought from a shop. (指矜包等)家里烘制的,不是从商店买来的。 ,~-,brewed adj (of beer, etc) brewed at ~ (contrasted with beer from a brewery). (指啤酒等)家里酿制的(以别于酸造厂酿制的)。 '~-coming n arrival at ~, coming to one's ~: 到家; 回家; 回国: ~ coming weekend, (US) when alumni or alumnae return to their school, etc. (美) 校友返回母校之周末。 .=cured adj (of food, esp bacon) treated (by smoking, salting, etc) at ~ (contrasted with food cured in factories). (食物,尤指咸肉)在家里(用烟燃、盐丑等)处理的(以别于在工厂中处理的)。 '■ farm n farm that supplies the needs of a large estate or establishment (contrasted with farmland that is rented out). 供应一大家庭或产业的农场(以别于租给佃户的农场); 家庭农场。 the, ~ 'front, the civilians (in a country at war). (战时一个国家的)后方民众; 所有平民。 .—'grown adj (of food, etc) produced in the country (contrasted with what is imported). (指食物等)国产的(以别于进口的)。川 ~ 'Guard n (member of the) British citizen army (1940-57). 1940-57 年间的英国国民军(队员)。 ~ Hand /-laend; -zlaend/ n native land; country from which one's ancestors came. 故乡; 祖国。 I ~- 'made adj (of bread, cakes, etc) made at ~ (contrasted with what is bought from shops). (指婀包、糕饼等)家庭制的; 自制的(以别于商店中买来的)。 ~'Rule, government of a country by its own citizens. 地方自治; 33 立自主。 '~sick adj sad because away from ~; 想家的; 怀乡的; Hence, 由此产生, '~sickness n '~spun adj, n (cloth made of yarn) spun at 手厂的(布); (fig) (anything) plain and homely. (喻)朴素的(任何黄西)。 '~.stead /-sted; -zsted/ n house with the land and outbuildings round it; farmhouse; (US) land given to sb by the state on condition that he lives on it and cultivates it. 家园; 农舍; (美)分给人民开堡的土地。 thrust n attack (with a weapon or in words) that is effective. (以武器或言语)总中要害的一击。 ~ 'truth n unpleasant fact that one is made aware of. 明了后令人不愉快的专实。 '~work n [U] a work which a pupil is required to do at ~ in the evening and take to his teacher(s) at school. (在晚间作好,再带去学校交给老师的)课外作业。 b (colloq) preparatory work, eg for a report or discussion. (俗)(报吿或讨论等之)准备工作。 housework at house'(7). ~Tess adj having no ~. 无家可归的。 ~ like adj like ~. 如在家般的。 ~ward /-wod; -wod/ adj going towards ~. 向家的。 ~ ward(s) /-wad(z); -wod(z)/ adv towards ~. 向家地。




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