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单词 high
释义 high /hai; hai/ adj (-er, -est) (For combinations of ~ and nn, participles, etc with meanings not at once to be identified from the meanings in the definitions, → 12 below.) (与名词、分词等构成之搁浅。 b (fig) abandoned; isolated; out of the 复合字,其意义不能自各定义中即刻辨出者,参看下列第 12 义。) , 1 extending far upwards; measuring (the distance given) from the base to the top, 高的; 右善干高度的。 (Note 1 如 tall is used for human beings and for a few things which have great height in relation to breadth, eg a tall building/ tower): (注意: tall 指人或某些就宽高关系而言高度特别突出的物艳,例如 a tall building/tower 一座商建筑物 (U)): There was an aeroplane ~ in the sky. 有一架飞机高高在天空。 How ~ is Mt Everest? 埃佛勒斯峰有多高? ~ and dry. a (of a ship) stranded; aground; out of the water. (指船) 出永; current of events. (喻) 被弃的; 孤立的; 脱离社会潮流的。 be/get on one's ~ horse, rhorse ⑴. (do sth) with a ~ hand, arrogantly (~- 'handed (ly) is preferred). (U事) 专横地; 傲慢地 (high-handed (ly) 较常用) 。 2 chief; important: 高级的; 重要的: a ~ official; 高级官贝; a ~ caste; 高的社会阶级; the ~ altar, in a church; 主祭坛; the Most H~, (in the Bible) God; (圣经) 上帝; ~ society, the upper classes. 上流社会。 ~ and low, all classes of society. 社会各商宿。 3 (of sounds) at or near the top of the scale; shrill; sharp: (指声音) 尖锐的: speak in a ~ tone/key. 以尖锐的喋音说话。 4 extreme; intense; great: 极度的; 强烈的; 大的: ~ prices/temperatures; 高价 (高温); bought at a ~ cost; 以钜资购买; a ~ wind; 动风; 大风; 访 ~ favour; 极为得宠; have a ~ opinion of sb; 极器重某人; in ~ spirits; 兴致勃勃; 高兴; ~ ( = angry) words; 愤怒之言; in ~ latitudes, near the Poles; 在高纬度地区 (近南北极); have 0 ~ (= enjoyable) time; 过一段愉快的时间; ~ ( =luxurious) living; 奢侈的生活; ~ nooh/summer, at or near its peak. 正牟 (赢夏) 。 5 ~ time, time when sth should be done at once: 应该即刻做某事的时间: It's ~ time you started, You should start at once. 你该动身了。 It's ~ time to go, We must go at once. 表 ih 应该马上就走。 6 noble; virtuous: 高尚的; 良好的: a woman of ~ character; 品格高尚的女子; ~ aims/ideals; 高尚的目标 (理想); a ~ calling, eg that of a priest, doctor or nurse. 高尚的职案 (例如做牧师,医生或护士) 。 7 H~Church, that section of the C of E that gives an important place to the authority of bishops and priests, to ritual and the sacraments. (英国) 高派液会 (英国国教中注重主教和牧师权势,以及仪式及圣事的教派) 。 Hence, 由此产生, H~ Churchman 8 (of food, esp meat and game) slightly tainted. (女物, 尤指肉和猎物) 略微腐坏的。 9 (colloq) drunk. (俗) 酒醉的。 10 (colloq) under the influence of hallucinatory drugs: (俗) 受迷幻药影矾的: ~ on marijuana. 沉醉于大麻烟中。 11 (as n) (作为名词) ~ level: 高水准; 高峰; 高处: from (on) ~, from Heaven. 自天鱼; 自上苍。 Shares (ie on the Stock. Excnange) reached a new ~ (= the ~est recorded level) last month. 股票在上月达到了一个新的最高点。 12 (compounds) (复合字) ' ~- ball n (US) spirits with soda water, ginger ale, etc, served with ice in a tall glass. (英) 加汽水或螯汁啤酒等的烈酒 (加冰并用高杯盛装) 。 ~ born adj of noble birth. 出身高贵的; 出身名门的。 ~ boy n (US) tallboy, K) 高衣柜。 '~brow n, adj (person) with tastes and interests considered to be superior (often used contemptuously for intellectual): 嗜好和兴趣高雅的 (人) (常用做 intellectual 之轻蔑语): ~ brow drama/music. 适合晤好和兴趣高雅的人们的戏剧 (音乐) 。 ~ chair none on ~ legs for an inf ant at table, or a baby's chair with a hinged tray attached to it. (婴儿用餐时坐的) 高腿椅。 M~ 'Church n O 7 above, 参看上列第 7 义。 l'class adj first-class, 高级的; 第一流的。. ~ 'colour n reddish complexion. 微红的面色。 tH~ Com'missioner n representative of one Commonwealth country in another, equivalent to an ambassador. 不列颠国协会员国家间互派之代表 (相当于大使) 。 'H~Court n supreme court of justice. 鼓高法院。 ' ~ day n festival 节日 (only in) (仅用于): ~ days and holidays. 节日和假日。 '~er-ups n pl (colloq) persons ~er in rank or status. (俗) 阶级或地位较高的人。 l ex plosive n very powerful explosive, eg TNT. 高爆炸药 (例如 TNT) 。,~ - fa'lutin /fa'luztn; fa'lutn/ adj (colloq) ridiculously pompous, bombastic or pretentious: (俗) 过份夸瘟的; 虚饰的: ~-falutin ideas/language. 夸张的思想 (MU) → ,~-fidelity n, adj (abbr 略作 hi-fi) (of radios, records, tapes and equipment for reproducing sound) (quality of) giving faithful reproduction by the use of a wide range of sound waves. (指收音机、唱片、录音带及唱机、录音机等) 高度传真 (的) 。 l ~'flier/'flyer n ambitious person who goes to great extremes to get what he aims at. 野心勃勃不择手段的人。 ,~'flown adj exalted; bombastic and pretentious: 崇高的; 夸大的; 虚饰的: a —flown style, eg of writing. 夸张的风格 (例如写作) 。 ,~'flying adj (fig) (of persons) ambitious. (喻) (指人) 充满野心的。 ,— frequency n (abbr 略作 hf) radio frequency between 3 and 30 megacycles per second. 高頫率; 高周率 (每秒 3 至 30 百万周) 。 H~German n literary German; standard spoken German, 德文的文言文; 标准德语。 'grade adj of ~ or superior quality. 品质高级的。 ,~-'handed adj domineering; using power or authority without consideration for the feelings of others, 专横的; 高压的。 I'handedly adv 】 ~ 'hat adj, n snobbish (person). 劳利的 (人) 。 vt treat (sb) in a snobbish or condescending way. 势利地到待 (某人); 盛气凌人地对待 (某人) 。 '~jack vt (variant spelling of) hijack. 为 hijack 之不同拼法。 ~ 'jinks, → jinks, the '~jump n athletic contest for jumping over an adjustable horizontal bar: 跳高: enter for/win the ~ jump. 参加跳高 (跳高得胜) 。 be for the ~ jump, (sl) due for severe punishment. (俚) 应受严刑。 ~-'keyed adj (→ 3 above) (参看上列第 3 义) having a ~ pitch; (fig) easily excited or made nervous. 调子高的; (喻) 易兴奋或紧张的。 '~4and /-land; -land/ n mountainous region; (pl) mountainous parts of a country (esp The H~- lands, those of N W Scotland), 高地; 丘陵地; (复) 一国之丘陵地区(大写时尤指苏格兰西北高地)。 ,H~land 'fling n Scottish reel'. 苏格兰利尔舞。 ~ lander n one who lives in The li ~ lands; soldier in a (Scottish) H~ land regiment. 苏格兰高地人; 苏格兰高地兵团之士兵。 I ~- 'level adj (attrib only) (of conferences, etc) conducted by persons in ~ position, eg in government, commerce. (仅作形容南法) (指会议等)高阶层的。 ' ~ lifa n M a fashionable and luxurious style of living. 奢侈的生活。 b (in W Africa) popular kind of music and dance. (非洲西部)一种流行的音乐 m 舞路。' ~ light n (usu pl) luminous area on a photograph, picture, etc which shows reflected light; reflection of light on a shiny object; (fig) most conspicuous or prominent part: (通常用复数)相片、图画等光亮的部分; 闪光体上光的反射; (喻)最显著部分; 最精采部分: the ~ lights of the week's events. 一周事倬命乏最重要者。 vt give prominence or emphasis to. 使显著; 使精采; 加强。~ Mass n (RC Church) (天主教) cMass. ,~-'minded /'maindid; 'maindid/ adj of morally ~ character; having ~ ideals or principles. 品格高尚的; 有崇高理想或原则的。 Hence, 由此产生, |'=mindedly adv , ~-,mindedness n, ~- necked adj (of a dress) with the neckline cut ~. (指女服)领口高的。 ~-'octane adj having a ~ octane number. 高辛烷的。 coctane. ,~-'pitched adj a (of sounds) shrill. (指声咅)尖锐的。 b (of roofs) having a steep slope. (指屋顶)坡度陡的。 I ~- 'powered adj having, using, great power: 很有能力的; 强有力的: a ~-powered salesman, aggressive in selling his goods. 很有冲劲的推销员。 ~- 'pressure n [U] pressure ~er than normal, esp ~er than atmospheric pressure; (fig) aggressive and persistent: 高压; (尤指)高气密; (喻)有冲劲而且坚持的: ~-pressure salesmanship. 强迫推销术。, ~- 'priced adj expensive. 高价的; 昂贵而。 i ~ 'priest n chief priest. 主教; 大祭司。 ~ 'principled adj honourable. 光明正大曲。 ' ~- ranking adj (of officers, etc) having ~ rank. (指军官等)高阶级的。 ~ re lief n crelief1 (1).' ~- rise adj (attrib only) used of tall buildings with many storeys or levels, reached by lifts (elevators): (仅作形容用法)(指有电梯的建筑物) 有很多层的; 高耸的: ~-rise flats. 有很多层的公寓。 → tower-block at tower, '~road n main road; (fig) most direct way: 大道; (喻)捷径: Is there a ~ road to happiness? 有达到幸福的捷径吗? H- School n secondary school giving more advanced education than primary or elementary schools. 中学。 the, ~ 'seas n pl all parts of the seas and oceans beyond territorial waters. 外洋; 外海; 公海。 '~sounding adj (of style) impressively pretentious. (指文体) 夸饰的。 ,—'speed adj (able to be) operated at very fast speeds, 高速度的。 — 'spirited adj lively; (of a horse) frisky. 有生气的; (指马)乱蹦乱跳的。 '~spot n outstanding feature, memory, event, etc. 特色; 显著的记忆、事件等。 street n (esp in proper names) main street of a town: (尤用于专有名词中)大街: There are three banks in the ~ street. 大街上有三家银行。 ~ 'table n table (on a dais) where senior members of a college dine. 大学餐厅中教师用的餐桌。 - tea n (GB) ely evening meal (or late fea) in homes where dinner is not eaten in the evening, usu with meat or fish. (英)黄昏茶点(不在黄昏进晚餐的家庭所食用,通常有肉或鱼)。 I ~- 'tension adj (electr) (of wires) having a ~ voltage. (电)(指兰线)高压的。 'tide n (time at which the) tide is at its ~est level, 高潮; 高潮时期。 ~ 'time 5 above. 参看上列第 5 K,,~-'toned adj socially or intellectually superior: 高尚的; 时髦的; 优秀的: a -toned finishing school for girls. 高尚的女子精修学校。、 ~ treason n [U] treason against the State or a sovereign. 叛国; up n (colloq) person of ~ rank or great importance. (俗)社会地位高的人; 要人。 ~ 'water n [U] ~ tide. 高潮。 ,~-'water mark n mark showing the ~ est point reached by the tide (or any body of water); (fig) ~ est point of achievement. 高潮线; 高水标; 高水位线; (喻)成就的最高峰。 '~way n main public road; main route (by air, sea or land); (fig) easiest or most direct way. 公路; 大道; 主要航路; (喻)捷径。 .H—way Code n official guide-book for users of public roads. 公迹旅行指南。 '~wayman /-man; -man/ n (pl -men) (formerly) man (usu on horseback) who robbed travellers on ~ways by using, or threatening to use, violence. (昔时)拦路的强盗(通常骑着马)。




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