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(构词成分): ~ 脦 [- de; - te] [方] (邋遢) sloppy; slovenly; (of clothes) untidy另见 see also lèi。
❶ (肋骨) rib ❷ (胸部的侧面) costal region: 两 ~ both sides of the chest; ~ 窝 the armpit另见 see also lē。◆肋骨 rib; costa (pl. costae); 肋间 intercostal; 肋角 angle of rib; angulus costae; 肋膜 pleura; 肋木 stall bars; 肋条 [方] rib; pork ribs; 肋胸膜 pleura costalis
rib; osta (pl. costae)