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单词 肆无忌惮

肆无忌惮sì wú jì dàn

impertinent; unbridled;unscrupulous; reckless and without inhibition;outrageous; audacious; have no scruples at all; stop(/scruple)at nothing
❍ 小人之中庸也,小人而忌惮也。(《礼记·中庸》) The mean man’s acting contrary to the course of the Mean is because he is a mean man,and has no caution.
❍ 还有两个光棍,竟~的说: “阿发,你不要看得这货色脏。你只要去买两块肥皂来,咯支咯支遍身洗一洗,好得很哩!” (《鲁迅选集》上—123) There were two low types as well,one of whom had the impertinence to say: “Afa! Don’t be put off by the dirt on this piece of goods. If you buy two cakes of soap,and give her a good scrubbing,the result won’t be bad at all!”/但是你们这些学生那里知道这些,~,将来只好象那光棍……(《鲁迅选集》上—124) But what do you impudent students know of such things? You’ll grow up like those low types.
❍ 日本自一九三三年初退出国际联盟之后,更加~地进行扩军备战,…… (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》345) From Japan’s withdrawal from the League of Nations at the beginning of 1933onwards,she threw herself with less inhibition than ever into expanding her armed forces and preparing for war.


❶brazen;unscrupulous;unbridled;wanton; impertinent
❷act recklessly; run riot;have no scruples
~地攻击 make unbridled attacks /~地说have the impertinence to say

肆无忌惮sì wú jì dàn

肆:放纵,任意;忌:顾忌;惮:畏惧。任意胡作非为而毫无顾忌和畏惧。brazen, run riot, reckless and unbridled, unprincipled, barbaric, stop at nothing, make no scruple to do sth.





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