释义 |
聚精会神jù jīng huì shénbe absorbed in; be all ears (/attention/eyes and ears); concentrate (/focus) one’s attention on; put every ounce of one’s attention into (doing); with avid (/breathless/close/great/special/strained/undistracted/un divided) attention ❍ 暗淡的菜油灯光照着黑压压的三堆人,他们正~地围着三个盘子吃鱼呢。(草明《原动力》59)A dim vegetable oil lamp lit up three murky groups of men who were gathered round three dishes absorbing in eating fish. ❍ 他一进店,就注意到,在一个书架旁边,果然有个头发长长、脸色苍白的青年,正在~地读着一本厚书。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》17) His attention was drawn to a long-haired,pale-faced youth,who had been standing at a shelf for a long time,absorbed in a book. ❍ 所以每次从来到走,大家都像趴在打伏击的阵地里,~地准备应付突来的情况。(冯志《敌后武工队》283)Every time Wei and the others went on a mission,therefore,they were on their toes,alert and ready from beginning to end,just as though lying in ambush. ❍ 她靠着一株白杨树干,雕像般地~地望着讲桌。(王汶石《风雪之夜》 116) She was now leaning against the trunk of a poplar,focussing her attention on the platform. ❍ 朱瑞芳~地在听勇复基谈。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—475) Zhu Ruifang was listening to Yong Fuji with avid attention. ❍ 他的左手托着自己的下巴,~在盯着梅厂长。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—342) He sat with his chin cupped in his left hand. staring at Mei Zuoxian with great concentration. ❍ 溥仪~地听着我的故事,思虑地盯着我。(叶华《幻想和现实》) He listened with interest and looked at me,half in amusement,half in thought. ❍ 最后一幕,是他们的《血染洋行》话剧,队员们都~的盯着台上。(知侠《铁道游击队》253) The last item was a play entitled Bloodshed at the Trading Company Building. As this was their own story,all the guerrillas watched the stage with rapt attention. 聚精会神jù jīnɡ huì shén会:集中。原指汇集别人的智慧。现多形容注意力非常集中。be all attention, pore over sth., be all eyes and ears, with breathless attention, shake oneself together |