❶contact; connect
❷integrate; relate;link; get in touch with
中国的前途是同世界的前途紧密~在一起的。The future of China is closely linked with that of the whole world./不应将恐怖主义与任何特定的种族、宗教和文化相~。Terrorism should not be associated (or identified)with a particular ethnic group,religion or culture./保持~keep in touch with/密切~群众keep in close contact with the masses;maintain close ties with the masses/理论~实际integrate theory with practice/与某人失去~ lose contact with sb; be out of contact with sb/把两件事~起来看view two events as related/~标准contact approach /~工作talk business/~旅馆arrange for hotel accommodation/~实际stay in touch with reality