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单词 聊以塞责

聊以塞责liáo yǐ sè zé

as a matter of form; just to meet the bare requirements
❍ 第三,那位宝贝外甥吴荪甫也不把老舅父放在眼里了,只来了这么一通~的电报,却并没专派一条小火轮来请他去。(茅盾《子夜》96) On top of that,his nephew had failed to show him the courtesy due to an uncle; he had sent only an ordinary telegram—and even that only as a matter of form—instead of a specially chartered boat to fetch him to Shanghai.
❍ 宝玉却未曾会过孙绍祖一面的,次日只得过去了,~。(《红楼梦》1038) Baoyu had never set eyes on this Sun Shaozu,so the next day he had to go over for courtesy’s sake to meet him…

聊以塞责liáo yǐ sè zé

塞:搪塞;责:责任。姑且用以搪塞、应付自己应负的责任。trump up so as to avoid blame, just to meet the pure requirements





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