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单词 聊以卒岁

聊以卒岁liáo yǐ zú suì

just to tide over the year
❍ 优哉游哉,~。(《左传·襄二十一年》) How easily,how happily,丨They complete their year!/此种农民,每年劳动结果,自己可得一半。不足部分,可以种杂粮、捞鱼虾、饲鸡豕,或出卖一部分劳动力勉强维持生活,于艰难竭蹶之中,存~之想。(《毛泽东选集》7) Such peasants may retain half the product of their year’s toil. To make up their deficit they cultivate sidecrops,catch fish or shrimps,raise poultry or pigs,or sell part of their labour power,and thus eke out a living,hoping in the midst of hardship and destitution to tide over the year.

聊以卒岁liáo yǐ zú suì

聊:勉强地、暂时地;卒:终;岁:一年。勉强地度过一年。just to tide over the year, reach the end of the year without being in debt





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