耸(聳)sǒnɡ ❶ (耸立) tower aloft; rise straight up: 高 ~ 入云 tower into the clouds; reach to the sky ❷ (引起注意; 使人吃惊) alarm; shock: 危言 ~ 听 exaggerate things just to frighten people ◆耸动 shrug (one's shoulders); create a sensation; make [cause] quite a stir; 耸肩 shrug one's shoulders; 耸立 tower aloft; 耸人听闻 deliberately exagerate so as to create a sensation; create a great sensation; arrest one's attention; sensation-mongering; sensational; 耸入云霄 prick toward the sky; reach towards the sky; strike into the clouds; towering to the skies; tower into the clouds; rise above the clouds |