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单词 耳聪目明

耳聪目明ěr cōng mù míng

be able to see and hear clearly;can hear and see well; [of old people] have good (/sharp) ears and eyes; have a thorough grasp of the situation
❍ 这位老人已年过七旬,仍然~。The old man is already over seventy,but he still has good ears and eyes.
❍ 但苟有议及自己们或他的一伙的,则虽千里之外,半句之微,他便~,奋袂而起,…… (鲁迅 (且介亭杂文二集·隐士》8) …but if any comment is made on the hermit brotherhood,be it a thousand li away and no more than half a sentence,their perceptions are strangely acute and they rise up.…

耳聪目明ěr cōnɡ mù mínɡ

听得清楚,看得分明。形容感觉灵敏。can hear and see well, have a clear understanding, have a thorough grasp of the situation, have good sight and an exquisite sense of hearing





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