释义 |
耳ěrⅠ ❶ (耳朵) ear:外[中;内] ~ the outer [middle;inner] ear; 左 ~ 进右 ~ 出 go in at one ear and out at the other; 我亲 ~ 听他这么说的。I heard him say so with my own ears. 这音乐很刺 ~。 The music offended our ears. ❷ (形状像耳朵的东西) any ear-like thing;ear of a utensil:鼎 ~ ears of a tripod; 木 ~ an edible fungus; 银 ~ tremella ❸ (位置在两旁的) on both sides;side:~ 房 side rooms;~ 门 side doors ❹ (姓氏) a surname:~ 元明 Er Yuanming Ⅱ [书] (罢了) only;just:距此不过5里 ~。 It's only five li from here. ◆耳按摩 otomassage; 耳报神 [贬] spy who reports on person's doings; 耳背 hard of hearing; 耳鼻喉科 E.N.T. department;ear-nose-throat department;otolaryngological department;otorhinolaryngology; 耳鼻喉科学 otorhinolaryngology; 耳鼻喉科学家 otorhinolaryn ̄ gologist; 耳鼻喉外科手术 otorhinolaryngologic surgery; 耳边[旁]风 a puff of wind passing the ear — unheeded advice;go in at one ear and out at [of] the other;be disregarded;flit by like a breeze;like water off a duck's back;a matter of no concern; 耳边细语 whisper in one's ear; 耳标 ear tag; 耳鬓厮磨 the girl's ear rubbing the boy's shoulders — deep affection;very intimate;close association during childhood; 耳柄 ear handle; 耳病 otopathy; 耳病性眩晕 aural vertigo; 耳长 {人} ear length; 耳沉 [方] (耳背) hard of hearing; 耳出血 otorrhagia; 耳垂 lobule;earlobe;lobulus auriculae; 耳戳 earmark; 耳聪目明 (of old people) have good ears and eyes;able to see and hear clearly;can hear and see well;have good sight and an exquisite sense of hearing;have sharp ears and eyes;quick at hearing and seeing;have a thorough grasp of the situation;very perceptive; 耳道 duct;auditory meatus;meatus acusticus; 耳底骨 basiotic; 耳点 {人} auriculare;broca's point; 耳朵 ear; 耳朵发烧 The ears burnt.; 耳朵嗡鸣 There was a humming [buzzing] in one's ears.; 耳房 {建} aisle;appentice;side rooms; 耳根清静 peace of mind achieved by staying away from nagging;hear no more about...;There will be no more complaints.;There will be peace to one's ears.; 耳高 {人} auricular height; 耳钩 tack; 耳垢 cerumen;earwax; 耳鼓 the ear drum;tympanum; 耳骨 otica;ear bones; 耳挂式耳机 supra- aural (against-the-ear) earphone; 耳光 a slap on the face;a box on the ear; 耳红面赤 be [become] red in the face;be flushed; 耳环 earrings;ear pendants; 耳机 (听筒) earphone;headphone;(telephone) receiver; 耳积水 hydrotis; 耳鸡 eared pheasant; 耳记 earmark;over ̄ slope;overbit; 耳镜 {医} ear mirror;ear speculum;otoscope; 耳科 otology; 耳科学 otology; 耳孔 earhole; 耳窥器 ear speculum; 耳廓 {解} pinna;auricle;auricula; 耳聆心悦 Ear and mind are both pleased.; 耳灵眼尖 quick of hearing and sight; 耳聋 deaf; 耳聋目眩 become both dazed and deaf; 耳聋眼花 One's eyes are faded and one's ears deaf.; 耳聋眼瞎 be deaf and blind; 耳轮 {生理} helix; 耳螺 ear snail; 耳鸣 tinnitus;ringing in the ears;syrigmus;singing; 耳鸣幻听 (听幻觉) acoasma; 耳鸣目眩 One's ears rang and spots danced before one's eyes.; 耳目 what one sees and hears;knowledge;information;one who spies for sb. else; 耳目清净 free from noise and dirt; 耳目一新 find everything fresh and new;find oneself in an entirely new world;present a new appearance [of a place];a pleasant change of atmosphere; 耳目昭彰 universally known;known to all; 耳目之娱 pleasures of the senses; 耳目众多 be all ears and eyes;too many people around;eyes and ears everywhere; 耳囊 statocyst;ear vesicle; 耳内传声器 {工声} ear microphone; 耳内流脓 purulent ear; 耳衄 otorrhagia; 耳片 {植} auricle; 耳屏 tragus;ear let;hircus (pl. hirci); 耳区 ear field; 耳热眼跳 ears hot and eyes twitching — an omen of sth. going to happen; 耳濡目染 be imbued with what one had seen and heard (in the course of ...);be imperceptibly influenced by what one constantly sees and hears;colored by what one sees and hears constantly;ears soaked and eyes dyed;influence of surroundings [what one hears and sees];take in the impact of circumstances; 耳软心活 (没有主见,轻信别人) easily influenced by others;credulous and pliable;ready to believe anything;soft ears and lively mind; 耳塞 earplug;earphone; 耳塞式传声器 ear microphone; 耳塞 [口] (耳垢) earwax; 耳神经 auricularis; 耳生 strange-sounding;unfamiliar to the ear; 耳食不化 hearing without digesting what is heard;hear but do not understand; 耳食之谈 hear readily without comprehending what is heard;hearsays of no reliable grounds;rumour; 耳屎 [口] earwax; 耳视目听 see with the ear and hear with the eye — very intelligent; 耳熟 familiar to the ear;sound familiar; 耳熟能详 very familiar with sth. for having heard it many times;It rang a bell.;make sb. remember sth.;often heard and well remembered;sound familiar;What one's ears often heard can be retold in detail.; 耳顺之年 sixty years of age;the year in life at which a person possesses an obedient ear for the reception of truth; 耳探子 aural probe; 耳提面命 pour exhortations into sb.'s ear;constantly to give personal advice;give earnest exhortations;give orders personally;hold one by the ear in sb.'s presence and give instructions;instruct with authority;personal,daily instruction(s); 耳听八方 very alert;extremely vigilant;keen ears;quick-eared;with ears pricked [strained];耳听区 auditory field;earshot; 耳痛 otalgia;earache; 耳挖草 Scutellaria indica; 耳挖子 earpick; 耳闻 hear of;hear about; 耳闻不如目见 Seeing for oneself is better than hearing from others.;Hearsay is not equal to observation.; 耳闻目睹 what one sees and hears;fall under one's observation;what is heard and seen; 耳闻是虚,眼见是实 What you hear about may be false,what you see is true.;Hearing can be vague,but seeing is definite.;Seeing is believing.; 耳蜗 {解} cochlea;acoustic labyrinth; 耳息肉 aural polyp;otopolyus; 耳性 remembrance;memory; 耳穴 ear acupuncture point; 耳压试验 ear pressure tests;{中医} auricular pressing tests; 耳炎 {医} otitis; 耳痒 ear itching; 耳语 whisper in sb.'s ear;whisper;whispering; 耳语呢喃 whisper in the ear; 耳针(术) ear acupuncture; 耳中回响 re-echo in one's ears;ring in one's ears; 耳肿瘤 otoncus; 耳坠子 eardrop;earrings; 耳子 the ears or side handles of sth. |