耐nài (受得住; 禁得起) be able to bear or endure: 吃苦 ~ 劳 bear hardships and stand hard work; ~ 穿 can stand wear and tear; be endurable; 他不 ~ 孤寂。 He can't bear living alone. 这种料子很 ~ 洗。 This material washes well. ◆耐爆地雷 blast resistance mine; 耐波性 {船} seakeeping quality; seakeeping; 耐不住 unable to bear; unable to stand; 耐穿 wear well; be durable; 耐电强度 electric strength; 耐烦 patient; tolerant; have patience; 耐腐蚀 corrosion preventive; corrosion resisting; 耐腐蚀试验 corrosion resistance test; 耐高温 thermostabi ̄ lity; 耐寒 cold-resistant; 耐旱植物 drought-enduring plant; 耐航 endurance; 耐火 fire-resistant; refractory; 耐火材料 refractory; fireproofing; grog; corhart; flame- proof material; refractory material; fireproof material; 耐碱 {化} alkali-resist ̄ing; 耐久 lasting long; durable; 耐久性 durability; endurance; ruggedness; firmness; viability; 耐劳 be able to endure hard work; 耐力 endurance; staying power; stamina; 耐磨 abrasion resistant; anti-friction; wear resistant; wear-resisting; wearproof; 耐磨试验 abrasion test; 耐热 heat-resisting; heatproof; resist heat; 耐人寻味 afford [give] much food for thought; provide much food for thought; stand careful reading; There is much food for thought.; thought-provoking; 耐蚀 anti-corrosion; 耐水 water-fast; water- tolerant; 耐酸 acidproof; acid-resisting; 耐心 patient; 耐心细致 (be very) patient and painstaking; in a patient and meticulous way; make patient and painstaking efforts (to help sb.); 耐性 patience; endurance; tolerance; 耐锈 antirust; 耐压 {工} withstand voltage; pressurization; 耐印力 pressrun; 耐用 durable; stand wear and tear; 耐用消费品 consumer durables; 耐油漆 oil-proof varnish; 耐油纸 pergamyn paper; 耐震 shatter-proof; shock-proof |