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单词 have
释义 have4 (for pronunciations rhave2) non-anom v (neg and interr always with the aux v do) (在否定和疑问句中经常与助动词 do 连用) 1 [VP6A] take; receive; accept; obtain: 吃; 饮; 接受; 得到: There was nothing to be had, obtained. 一点东防也得不到。 Do you ~ tea or coffee for breakfast? 你早餐时饮茶还是喝咖啡? What shall ne ~ for dinner? 我们晚餐吃什么? 2 [VP6A] (with a n so that have and the n are equivalent to a v identical with the n): (与一名词连用,等于与该存词相当的动词的意义): ~ a swim/walk/wash/rest. 去游泳 (散步,盥洗,休息)。 Let me ~ a try/look. 让我试一试(看一看)。 Go and ~ a lie down. 去躺下休息一会儿。 Do you ever ~ dreams? 你做过梦吗? 3 [VP6A] experience; undergo: 经历; 遭受: We didn't ~ much difficulty. 我们没有遭受什么困难。 Did you ~ a good holiday? 你过了一个快乐的假日 W ? You've never had it so good, never had so much, or such good quality, of it before. 你从未得到这楼多(过得这样好 )o let him/them ~ it, (sl) shoot, punish sb, etc according to the situation. (俚)射杀或惩罚某人。 ~ had it. (sl) not be going to receive or enjoy sth: (俚)得不到某物; 不能享受某物: Here come the police—I'm afraid we've had it! 警察来了 —— 我恐怕我们得不到了! 4 [VP24C] ~ sth done, cause (sb to do sth): 使(某人做某事): You'd better ~ that bad tooth pulled out. 标真好把那颗蛀牙拔掉。 I must ~ these shoes repaired. 我必员把这些鞋子拿去修。 When did you last ~ your hair cut? 你上一次理发是什么时候?玲 get (2). also 6 below, 亦参看下列第 6 义。 5 [VP18C] ~ sb do sth, want him to do it: 要(某人做某事): I would ~ you know that. , I want you to know that.... 我要让你知道…。 What would you ~ me do? 你要我做什么? I wouldn't ~ you do that, should prefer you not to do it. 我不愿你做那事。 ~ to do with, rdo1 (14). 6 [VP24B] ~ sth done, ex perience or suffer it: 蒙受: He had his pocket picked, sth stolen from his pocket. 他遭受到扒窃。 Charles I had his head cut 。疔査浦一世遭到亩如之祸。 7 [VP6A] (colloq) (之) a trick; deceive: 欺 Si: I'm afraid you've been had. 我恐怕你受骗了。 Mind he doesn't ~ you. 当心勿使他骗你。 b beat; win an advantage over: 击败; 胜过: He had me in that argument. 他在那次辩话中战胜了我。 You had me there! 你击败我了! 8 (with it and a clause) express; maintain: ,( 血 it 及一子句连用)表示; 坚持: Rumour has it (= There is a rumour) that the Prime Minister is going to resign. 传闻首相膊要辞职。 He will ~ it (- He insists) that our plan is impracticable. 他会坚持说我们的计划行不通。 Plato has it (used when giving a quotation, etc 如柏拉图所说…(用于引用文句等时)。 9 [VP15B] (uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副 have sb down, entertain sb as a visitor or guest: 请某人做客; 款待某人: We're having the Greens down (eg from London) for a few days. 我们将请格林一家人来住几天 (例如从伦敦来) 。 词接语及介词连用的用法) have sth back: You shall ~ it back (= It will be returned to you) next month. 下月拒它还给你。 Let me ~ it back soon. 快些把它还为表。 have sb in. receive him in the room, house, etc: -K苹人到房屋等内: We shall be having the decorators in next month, The men will be decorating the house. 我们下月将请人来装饰房屋。 ~ sth in. possess in the house, etc: 置备某物于房屋等内: Do we ~ enough coal in for winter? 我们贮备的煤够冬季用嘱? have it off/away (with sb), A (sl) ~ sexual intercourse (with). (讳) (俚) (与某人) 发生性关系。 have sb on, (colloq) play a trick on him, deceive him. (俗) 欺骗某人。 c7 above. 参看上列第 7 义。 ~ sth on, a be wearing: 穿着; 戴着: He had nothing on, was naked. 他赤标着。 b ~ an engagement: 有约会: I ~ nothing on tomorrow evening, I am free. 我明天晚间没有约会。 have sth out, cause sth to be taken out: 使某物在外; 将某物去除: ~ a tooth out. 拔掉一牙。 ~ one s sleep out, continue sleeping until one wakes naturally: 继续睡到自己醒来: Let her - her sleep out. 让她康续睡够。 ~ it out with sb, reach an understanding about sth by frank discussion. 坦白地与某人讨论某事以达成谅解。 have sb over/round, be visited at home by him: 请某人到家来: We had Sue and Steve round for dinner last night. 昨晚我们请苏和史提夫来家中晚餐。 have sb up, a receive sb as a visitor (up to one's room, up from the country, etc). 请某人来做客 (至室内或由乡下来等) 。 b (usu passive) (colloq) cause sb to appear before a magistrate, in a court of law, etc: (通常用被动语态) (俗) 使某人受控诉,出庭等: He was had up (= was prosecuted) for exceeding the speed limit. 他因超虽而受控诉。




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