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单词 老调重弹

老调重弹lǎo diào chóng dàn

harp on the same string; play the same old tune; strike up a backneyed tune
❍ 他们又要继续谈判?这不过是~! Do they intend to resume the talks? This is nothing but playing the same old tune!

老调重弹lao diao chong tan

harp on the same string


harp on the same string; sing the same old tune; stick to the hackneyed theme;dwell on the platitude;rehash stale ideas
美国众议院院长批评总统的新战略只不过是~而已,是一种拖延战术。The US Speaker of the House criticised the President’s new strategy as rehashed stale ideas and a procrastinational tactic.

老调重弹lǎo diào chónɡ tán

比喻把说过的事情或主张重新拿出来,也比喻把过去曾经做过的技艺重新做起来。play the same old tune, sing the old song again, beat over the old ground, harp on the same string





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