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单词 老弱残兵

老弱残兵lǎo ruò cán bīng

motley troops unfit for combat duty; remaining troops made up of the old and weak; those who on account of old age,illness,etc are no longer active or efficient in work
❍ 从前,他不肯抢别人的买卖,特别是对于那些~;以他的身体,以他的车,去和他们争座儿,还能有他们的份儿?(老舍《骆驼祥子》40) Previously,he had refrained from grabbing fares from others,particularly from down and-out old,weak pullers.With his strength and superior rickshaw they were no match for him if he competed with them.

老弱残兵lǎo ruò cán bīnɡ

指军队中体弱伤残的官兵。比喻年老体弱的人。remaining troops make up of the old and weak, old weak and wounded troops, remnants of a rabble army





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