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单词 老奸巨猾

老奸巨猾lǎo jiān jù huá

a crafty old devil; a cunning person of long standing; a cunning (/sly/wily) old fox; a great hypocrite; a leery old bird;a past master of machination and manoeuvre; a crafty old scoundrel (/devil); an old coon (/fox);an old hand at trickery and deception
❍ 这个~的家伙,用普通的办法是拿不下来的。……(曲波《林海雪原》181)He’s a crafty old devil. We’d never get anything out of him by ordinary means.
❍ 那怎么能瞒得过这些~?(田汉《关汉卿》56) But can’t you fool these cunning old foxes?/请教这个狗洞怎样一种钻法?赵伯韬是~——(茅盾 《子夜》223) I don’t see how you think you’re going to do about the snooping,though. Zhao Botao’s a wily old fox—/“严醉真是~。”徐鹏飞暗自想着: ……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》 116) “What an old fox that Yan Zui is,”thought Xu Pengfei.


shrewd and crafty;master of machination and manoeuvre; old hand at trickery;wily old fox;crafty old scoundrel

老奸巨猾lǎo jiān jù huá

老:老练的;奸:奸诈;巨:大;猾:狡猾。指非常狡猾的人。a crafty old scoundrel, an old coon, a sly old fox, a great rascal, an old hand at trickery and deception





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