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❶ (变换位置;歪倒;反转) turn over;turn around;reverse:碰 ~ knock over;
推 ~ overturn;overthrow;
在床上 ~ 来 ~ 去 toss in bed;
车 ~ 了。 The truck turned over. 把饼 ~ 个儿再烙一会儿。 Turn the cake over and bake it some more.
❷ (移动物体寻找) rummage;search:东找西 ~ rummage all over;
他 ~ 了所有的抽屉找寻那个不见了的文件。 He searched all the drawers for the missing paper.
❸ (推翻原来的) reverse;retract;withdraw:后代把这个案子 ~ 了过来。 The posterity reversed the verdict.
❹ (爬过;越过) climb over;get over;cross:~ 过高山 cross a higher mountain;~ 过栅栏 get over the railings [paling]
❺ (成倍地增加) multiply:~ 两番 be quadrupled
❻ (翻译) translate:~ 密码 translate cipher;
把它 ~ 成英文 translate it into English;~ 电报 decode a telegram
❼ [口] (翻脸) break up;fall out:把他惹 ~ 了 made him angry;
他们闹 ~ 了。 They quarrelled and split up.;They fell out.
◆翻案 reverse a (correct) verdict;reverse a case;reverse [revoke] a decision (of a settled case);reverse a sentence;reopen a case;
翻把 take the upper hand again;deny what one has said;
翻白草 {中药} potentilla discolor;diversecolor cinquefoil;
翻白眼 show the whites of one's eyes (as from emotion or illness);feel angry [disappointed;embarrassed];翻版 reprint;reproduction;refurbished version;[美] knock-off;pirated edition;duplicate;
翻茬 plough under the stubble after the harvest;
翻车 turn over;turnover;fail in doing sth.;
翻窗 {建}pivot frame;
翻动 stir;ruffle;
翻斗 tipping bucket;skip bucket;tipper-hopper;
翻翻覆覆 wavering;vacillating;
翻覆 overturn;turn upside down;
翻复无常 vacillating in attitude;wavering;
翻改 turn;renovate;
翻杠子 {体} do gymnastics on a horizontal bar or on parallel bars;
翻跟头 turn a somersault;loop the loop;
翻耕 turn over;
翻耕土地 real tillage;
翻供 withdraw a confession;retract one's testimony;revoke verbal evidence;
翻滚 roll;toss;turn over;tumble;somersault;turn;reverse dive;
翻花 {工美} magic flower;
翻悔 back out (of a commitment,promise,ect.);
翻检 glance through and check;
翻江倒海 brew storms on rivers and seas;overturn rivers and seas — use every effort;with the momentum of an avalanche;with an overwhelming force;
翻浆 frost heave [boil];frost boiling;pumping;
翻旧如新 repair sth. old and make it as good as new;
翻看 leaf through;
翻来覆去 toss about;harp on the same string;repeat oneself again and again;toss and turn;say repeatedly;toss restlessly from side to side;turn over from side to side;
翻老帐 bring up old scores again;thumb through the records of;rekindle old grievances;
翻脸 fall out;suddenly turn hostile;
翻脸不认人 deny [turn against] a friend;break old friendship;pretend not to know old friends;turn one's back on old associates;
翻脸无情 turn against sb.,forgetting the past [old times];be treacherous and ruthless;break up an old friendship;change colour and have no feeling;fall out with and turn a cold shoulder to sb.;turn against a friend and show him no mercy;
翻两番 quadruple;double and redouble;
翻领 lapel;paux;turndown collar;
翻墙越脊 climb over the walls and run on the roof;leap onto roofs and vault over walls;make one's way into a house over walls and roofs;
翻然改悔 make a determined effort to atone for past misdeeds;
翻然改进 quickly change and make improvements;
翻然改图 quickly change and start another plan;
翻然改途 repent and change one's course;
翻然悔悟 quickly wake up to one's error;be aware of and correct one's errors [misdeeds];determined to make a clean break with one's past;make a determined effort to atone for past misdeeds;make amends for past misdeeds;see the error of one's ways and repent;
翻砂 founding;moulding;casting;
翻山涉水 cross rivers and hills;
翻山越岭 tramp over mountains and through ravines;cross (over) mountain after mountain;go over mountains and bound across the peaks;go uphill and down dale;over hills and crests;over hill and dale;tramp over hill and dale;scale the heights;travel over hill and dale;
翻上动作 basket;
翻身 turn over;free oneself;stand up;throw off the oppressor;be liberated;thoroughly change the backwardness of sth.;
翻身落马 fall from one's steed;turned over and fell from one's horse;
翻身落水 (He) fell and rolled over into the water.;
翻身作主 stand up and be master of one's fate;won emancipation and became master(s) (of the country);
翻绳儿 cat's cradle;
翻手为云,覆手为雨 produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another—playing tricks;act in a self-contradictory manner;blow hot and cold;be like the April weather;change and change about;chop and change;keep shifting like the clouds; play fast and loose; 翻腾 {跳水} tuck dive;seethe;rise;surge;churn;
翻腾 turn sth. over and over;rummage;toss;moiss;think about again and again;turn (sth.) over in one's mind;feverish;
翻天 overturn the heavens;shake the sky;
翻天覆地 turn the world upside down;a tremendous change;earthshaking;epoch-making;overturn the sky and the earth;shake the very ground [world];turn the whole world upside down;turn the world bottomside up;titanic changes;
翻土 turn the soil;
翻蔓儿 turn the vines (of sweet potato,etc.);
翻胃 gastric disorder causing nausea;regurgitation;
翻箱倒柜[箧] overturn the trunks and boxes — carry off all that one has;empty everything from the trunks;open sb.'s boxes and trunks and turn out the contents;rummage through chests and cupboards;ransack boxes and chests;turn everything inside out;turn over things in a thorough search;turn the box upside down;
翻新 make over;renovate;retrofit;retread;revamp;recondition;renovation;face-lifting;(the new) emerge out of the old;
翻修 rebuild;overhaul;restore;
翻译 translate;interpret;put ... into ...;turn ... into ...;transcribe;render;translator;interpreter;translation;interpretation;
翻译程序 interpreter programming;interpreter;translator program;translator;
翻译机 interpreter;translator;translating machine;translation machine;
翻印 reprint;reproduce;
翻印必究 Reproduction of the book will be prosecuted.;
翻印材料 makeup;
翻阅 browse;look over;read over;glance over;leaf through;
翻云覆雨 as changeable as clouds and rain;blow hot and cold;change attitudes constantly;fickle as human feelings;play fast and loose;repeatedly changing one's attitude or playing tricks;
翻正片 {摄} lavender print;master positive;
翻转 overturn;turn;rolling-over;
翻转式装料斗 hinged hopper





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